www.gusucode.com > matlab 案例源码 matlab代码程序 > matlab/CreateTimetablesExample.m

    %% Create Timetables
% This example shows how to create a timetable, combine timetables, and
% adjust the data from multiple timetables to a common time vector. The
% common time vector can contain the times from either or both timetables,
% or it can be an entirely new time vector that you specify. The example
% shows how to compute and display a daily mean for weather measurements
% contained in different timetables.
% A timetable is a type of table that associates a time with each row. A
% timetable can store column-oriented data variables that have different
% data types and sizes, so long as each variable has the same number of
% rows. In addition, timetables provide time-specific functions to combine,
% subscript into, and adjust their data.
%% Import Timetables from Files
% Load air quality data and weather measurements into two different
% timetables. The dates of the measurements range from November 15, 2015, to
% November 19, 2015. The air quality data come from a sensor inside a building,
% while the weather measurements come from sensors outside.
% Read the air quality data from a table with the |readtable| function.
% Then convert it from a table to a timetable with the |table2timetable|
% function. The |readtable| function returns a table only, not a timetable.
indoors = readtable(fullfile(matlabroot,'examples','matlab','indoors.csv'));
indoors = table2timetable(indoors);

% You also can create a timetable from an M-by-N array with the
% |array2timetable| function, or from workspace variables with the
% |timetable| function.
% Display the first five rows of |indoors|. Each row of the timetable has a
% time that labels that row of data.

% Load the timetable with weather measurements. Display the first five rows
% of |outdoors|. 

%% Synchronize Timetables
% The timetables, |indoors| and |outdoors|, contain different measurements
% taken inside and outside a building at different times. Combine
% all the data into one timetable with the |synchronize| function.
tt = synchronize(indoors,outdoors);

% The output timetable, |tt| contains all the times from both timetables. |synchronize| 
% puts a missing data indicator where there are no data values to place in |tt|. 
% When both input timetables have a variable with the same name, such as |Humidity|, 
% |synchronize| renames both variables and adds both to the output timetable.
% Synchronize the timetables again, and this time fill in missing data values with linear
% interpolation.
ttLinear = synchronize(indoors,outdoors,'union','linear');

%% Adjust Data in One Timetable
% You also can adjust the data in a single timetable to a new time vector.
% Calculate the means of the variables in |ttLinear| over six-hour
% intervals with the |retime| function. If any rows have |NaN| values after
% you adjust the data, remove them with the |rmmissing| function.
tv = [datetime(2015,11,15):hours(6):datetime(2015,11,18)];
ttHourly = retime(ttLinear,tv,'mean');
ttHourly = rmmissing(ttHourly);

%% Plot Timetable Data
% Normalize the data in |ttHourly| to the mean for each variable in the timetable. 
% Plot the mean daily values of these measurements. You can use the |Variables|
% property of a timetable to access the variables. |ttHourly.Variables|
% returns the same variables as |ttHourly{:,:}|.
ttMeanVars = ttHourly.Variables./mean(ttHourly.Variables);
ylabel('Normalized Weather Measurements');
title('Mean Daily Weather Trends');