www.gusucode.com > matlab 案例源码 matlab代码程序 > matlab/CreateToeplitzMatrixWithDiagonalDisagreementExample.m

    %% Create Nonsymmetric Toeplitz Matrix
% Create a nonsymmetric Toeplitz matrix with a specified column and row vector. 
% Because the first elements of the column and row vectors do not match, |toeplitz| 
% issues a warning and uses the column for the diagonal element.

c = [1  2  3 4];
r = [4 5 6];
% Create a Toeplitz matrix with complex row and column vectors.

c = [1+3i 2-5i -1+3i];
r = [1+3i 3-1i -1-2i];
T = toeplitz(c,r)