www.gusucode.com > matlab 案例源码 matlab代码程序 > matlab/DetermineBinPlacementExample.m

    %% Determine Bin Placement
% Distribute 100 random integers between -5 and 5 into bins, and specify
% |'BinMethod'| as |'integers'| to use unit-width bins centered on
% integers. Specify a third output for |histcounts| to return a vector
% representing the bin indices of the data.

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

X = randi([-5,5],100,1);
[N,edges,bin] = histcounts(X,'BinMethod','integers');

% Find the bin count for the third bin by counting the occurrences of the
% number |3| in the bin index vector, |bin|. The result is the same as
% |N(3)|.
count = nnz(bin==3)