www.gusucode.com > matlab 案例源码 matlab代码程序 > matlab/DetermineIfTimetableIsRegularExample.m

    %% Determine if Timetable is Regular
% Create a timetable using a monthly time vector. Determine whether it is
% regular with respect to time, and then with respect to months.
% Create a timetable whose row times are the first five months of
% the year |2016|. Add the monthly price of a stock as a table variable.
StockPrice = [109.0;107.82;113.17;128.01;116];
M = timetable(datetime(2016,1:5,3)',StockPrice)

% Determine whether |M| is a regular timetable.
TF = isregular(M)

% |M| is not regular because the first five months have different numbers
% of days. You can use the |diff| function to calculate the differences in
% the time steps between consecutive times in |M|. The differences are
% durations, formatted to display the time steps as hours, minutes, and
% seconds.
D = diff(M.Time)

% Determine whether |M| is regular with respect to months, by specifying
% |'month'| as the unit of measure.
TF = isregular(M,'months')