www.gusucode.com > matlab 案例源码 matlab代码程序 > matlab/DifferenceBetweenSaAndSmEigenvaluesExample.m

    %% Difference Between |'sa'| and |'sm'| Eigenvalues
% Create a symmetric positive definite sparse matrix.
A = delsq(numgrid('C', 150));

% Compute the six smallest algebraic eigenvalues using |'sa'|, which
% employs a Krylov method using |A|.
d = eigs(A, 6, 'sa')

% Compute the same eigenvalues using |'sm'|, which employs a Krylov method
% using the inverse of |A|.
dsm = eigs(A, 6, 'sm')

% The eigenvalues are clustered near zero. The |'sa'| computation struggles
% to converge using |A| since the gap between the eigenvalues is so small.
% Conversely, the |'sm'| option uses the inverse of |A|, and therefore the
% inverse of the eigenvalues of |A|, which have a much larger gap and are
% therefore easier to compute.