www.gusucode.com > matlab 案例源码 matlab代码程序 > matlab/FilterDataInSectionsExample.m

    %% Filter Data in Sections
% Use initial and final conditions for filter delays to filter data in sections, especially if memory limitations are a consideration.

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

% Generate a large random data sequence and split it into two segments,
% |x1| and |x2|.
x = randn(10000,1);

x1 = x(1:5000);
x2 = x(5001:end);

% The whole sequence, |x|, is the vertical concatenation of |x1| and |x2|.

% Define the numerator and denominator coefficients for the rational transfer function, 
% $$ H(z) = \frac{b(1)+b(2)z^{-1}}{a(1)+a(2)z^{-1}} =
% \frac{2+3z^{-1}}{1+0.2z^{-1}}. $$
b = [2,3];
a = [1,0.2];

% Filter the subsequences |x1| and |x2| one at a time. Output the final
% conditions from filtering |x1| to store the internal status of the filter at the end of the first segment.
[y1,zf] = filter(b,a,x1);

% Use the final conditions from filtering |x1| as initial conditions to
% filter the second segment, |x2|.
y2 = filter(b,a,x2,zf);

% |y1| is the filtered data from |x1|, and |y2| s the filtered data from
% |x2|. The entire filtered sequence is the vertical concatenation of |y1|
% and |y2|.

% Filter the entire sequence simultaneously for comparison.
y = filter(b,a,x);
