www.gusucode.com > matlab 案例源码 matlab代码程序 > matlab/FindRealElementsinCellArrayExample.m

    %% Find Real Elements in Cell Array  

% Create a cell array. 
C{1,1} = pi;                 % double
C{2,1} = 'John Doe';         % char array
C{3,1} = 2 + 4i;             % complex double
C{4,1} = ispc;               % logical
C{5,1} = magic(3);           % double array
C{6,1} = complex(5,0)        % complex double 

% |C| is a 1-by-6 cell array.  

% Loop over the elements of a cell array to distinguish between real and
% complex elements. 
for k = 1:6
x(k,1) = isreal(C{k,1});


% All but |C{3,1}| and |C{6,1}| are real arrays.