www.gusucode.com > matlab 案例源码 matlab代码程序 > matlab/FormatValuesWithExtraOrMissingOperatorsExample.m

    %% Format Values with Extra or Missing Operators
% Format values when the number of columns in the data array is not equal
% to the number of operators. If |A| has more columns, then |compose|
% repeats |formatSpec| as an additional column of the output string array.
formatSpec = string('The time is %d:%d');
A = [8 15 9 30;
     10 20 11 50];
str = compose(formatSpec,A)

% Format values when |A| has fewer columns.
formatSpec = string('Check-in time %d:%d; Check-out time %d:%d');
A = [12 27;
     11 16];
str = compose(formatSpec,A)

% Since |A| has only two columns, |compose| uses only the first two
% formatting operators in |formatSpec| to format the values.
% |compose| leaves the other formatting operators unchanged.