www.gusucode.com > matlab 案例源码 matlab代码程序 > matlab/HowtoCreateOrdinalCategoricalArraysExample.m

    %% How to Create Ordinal Categorical Arrays  
% This example shows how to create an ordinal categorical array using the
% |categorical| function with the |'Ordinal',true| name-value pair argument.   

%% Ordinal Categorical Array from a Cell Array of Character Vectors 
% Create an ordinal categorical array, |sizes|, from a cell array of character vectors,
% |A|. Use |valueset|, specified as a vector of unique values, to define
% the categories for |sizes|. 
A = {'medium' 'large';'small' 'medium'; 'large' 'small'};
valueset = {'small', 'medium', 'large'};

sizes = categorical(A,valueset,'Ordinal',true) 

% |sizes| is 3-by-2 ordinal categorical array with three categories such
% that |small < medium < large|. The order of the values in |valueset| becomes
% the order of the categories of |sizes|.  

%% Ordinal Categorical Array from Integers 
% Create an equivalent categorical array from an array of integers. Use
% the values |1|, |2|, and |3| to define the categories |small|, |medium|,
% and |large|, respectively. 
A2 = [2 3; 1 2; 3 1];
valueset = 1:3;
catnames = {'small','medium','large'};

sizes2 = categorical(A2,valueset,catnames,'Ordinal',true)  

% Compare |sizes| and |sizes2| 

% |sizes| and |sizes2| are equivalent categorical arrays with the same ordering
% of categories.  

%% Convert a Categorical Array from Nonordinal to Ordinal 
% Create a nonordinal categorical array from the cell array of character vectors, |A|. 
sizes3 = categorical(A)  

% Determine if the categorical array is ordinal. 

% |sizes3| is a nonordinal categorical array with three categories, |{'large','medium','small'}|.
% The categories of |sizes3| are the sorted unique values from |A|. You
% must use the input argument, |valueset|, to specify a different category
% order.  

% Convert |sizes3| to an ordinal categorical array, such that |small < medium
% < large|. 
sizes3 = categorical(sizes3,{'small','medium','large'},'Ordinal',true); 

% |sizes3| is now a 3-by-2 ordinal categorical array equivalent to |sizes|
% and |sizes2|.