www.gusucode.com > matlab 案例源码 matlab代码程序 > matlab/ImportCommaSeparatedDataExample.m

    %% Import Comma-Separated Data
% This example shows how to import comma-separated numeric data from a text
% file, using the |csvread| function.
% Create a sample file named |ph.dat| that contains the following
% comma-separated data:
%  85.5, 54.0, 74.7, 34.2
%  63.0, 75.6, 46.8, 80.1
%  85.5, 39.6, 2.7, 38.7

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

A = 0.9*gallery('integerdata',99,[3,4],1);
% The sample file, |ph.dat|, resides in your current folder.
% Read the entire file using |csvread|. The file name is the only required
% input argument to the |csvread| function.
M = csvread('ph.dat')
% |M| is a 3-by-4 |double| array containing the data from the file.
% Import only the rectangular portion of data starting from the first row
% and third column in the file. When using |csvread|, row and column
% indices are zero-based.
N = csvread('ph.dat',0,2)