www.gusucode.com > matlab 案例源码 matlab代码程序 > matlab/ImportHDF4FilesUsingLowLevelFunctionsExample.m

    %% Import HDF4 Files Using Low-Level Functions  
% This example shows how to read data from a Scientific Data Set in an HDF4
% file, using the functions in the |matlat.io.hdf4.sd| package. In HDF4
% terminology, the numeric arrays stored in HDF4 files are called data sets.   

%% Add Package to Import List 
% Add the |matlab.io.hdf4.*| path to the import list. 
import matlab.io.hdf4.* 

% Subsequent calls to functions in the |matlat.io.hdf4.sd| package need
% only be prefixed with |sd|, rather than the entire package path.  

%% Open HDF4 File 
% Open the example HDF4 file, |sd.hdf|, and specify read access, using the
% |matlab.io.hdf4.sd.start| function. This function corresponds to the SD
% API routine, |SDstart|. 
sdID = sd.start('sd.hdf','read'); 

% |sd.start| returns an HDF4 SD file identifier, |sdID|.  

%% Get Information About HDF4 File 
% Get the number of data sets and global attributes in the file, using the
% |matlab.io.hdf4.sd.fileInfo| function. This function corresponds to the
% SD API routine, |SDfileinfo|. 
[ndatasets,ngatts] = sd.fileInfo(sdID) 

% The file, |sd.hdf|, contains four data sets and one global attribute,  

%% Get Attributes from HDF4 File 
% Get the contents of the first global attribute. HDF4 uses zero-based indexing,
% so an index value of 0 specifies the first index. 
% HDF4 files can optionally include information, called _attributes_, that
% describes the data that the file contains. Attributes associated with
% an entire HDF4 file are _global_ attributes. Attributes associated with
% a data set are _local_ attributes. 
attr = sd.readAttr(sdID,0)  

%% Select Data Sets to Import 
% Determine the index number of the data set named |temperature|. Then,
% get the identifier of that data set. 
idx = sd.nameToIndex(sdID,'temperature');
sdsID = sd.select(sdID,idx); 

% |sd.select| returns an HDF4 SD data set identifier, |sdsID|.  

%% Get Information About Data Set 
% Get information about the data set identified by |sdsID| using the |matlab.io.hdf4.sd.getInfo|
% function. This function corresponds to the SD API routine, |SDgetinfo|. 
[name,dims,datatype,nattrs] = sd.getInfo(sdsID) 

% |sd.getInfo| returns information about the name, size, data type, and
% number of attributes of the data set.  

%% Read Entire Data Set 
% Read the entire contents of the data set specified by the data set identifier,
% |sdsID|. 
data = sd.readData(sdsID);  

%% Read Portion of Data Set 
% Read a 2-by-4 portion of the data set, starting from the first column
% in the second row. Use the |matlab.io.hdf4.sd.readData| function, which
% corresponds to the SD API routine, |SDreaddata|. The |start| input is
% a vector of index values specifying the location in the data set where
% you want to start reading data. The |count| input is a vector specifying
% the number of elements to read along each data set dimension. 
start = [0 1];
count = [2 4];
data2 = sd.readData(sdsID,start,count)  

%% Close HDF4 Data Set 
% Close access to the data set, using the |matlab.io.hdf4.sd.endAccess|
% function. This function corresponds to the SD API routine, |SDendaccess|.
% You must close access to all the data sets in and HDF4 file before closing
% the file. 

%% Close HDF4 File 
% Close the HDF4 file using the |matlab.io.hdf4.sd.close| function. This
% function corresponds to the SD API routine, |SDend|. 