www.gusucode.com > matlab 案例源码 matlab代码程序 > matlab/ImportNumericDatafromAllWorksheetsExample.m

    %% Import Numeric Data from All Worksheets  
% This example shows how to import worksheets in an Excel(R) file that contains
% only numeric data (no row or column headers, and no inner cells with text)
% into a structure array, using the |importdata| function.   

% Create a sample spreadsheet file for importing by writing an array of
% numeric data to the first and second worksheets in a file called |numdata.xlsx|. 

% Import the data from all worksheets in |numdata.xlsx|. 
S = importdata('numdata.xlsx') 

% |importdata| returns a structure array, |S|, with one field for each worksheet
% with data.