www.gusucode.com > matlab 案例源码 matlab代码程序 > matlab/ImportingTabularDataIntoATableWithCustomizedOptionsExample.m

    %% Define Import Options for Tables 
% Typically, you can import tables using the |readtable| function.
% However, sometimes importing tabular data requires additional control
% over the import process. For example, you might want to select the
% variables to import or handle rows with missing or error-causing data.
% Control the import process by creating an import options object. The
% object has properties that you can adjust based on your import needs.
%% Create Import Options
% Create an import options object for a sample data set, |airlinesmall.csv|.

opts = detectImportOptions('airlinesmall.csv');
% The |detectImportOptions| function creates a |SpreadsheetImportOptions|
% object for spreadsheet files and a |DelimitedTextImportOptions| object
% for text files.
%% Customize Table-Level Import Options
% Set property values to define import options. Some options apply to
% the entire table, and some apply to specific variables. For
% example, rules to manage missing or error-causing data are defined by the
% table-wide |MissingRule| and |ImportErrorRule| properties.
opts.ImportErrorRule = 'omitrow';
opts.MissingRule = 'fill';
% Setting |ImportErrorRule| to |'omitrow'| removes rows with data that
% cause import errors. Setting |MissingRule| to |'fill'| replaces missing
% values with values that are defined by the |FillValue| property.
% For instance, missing numeric values become |NaN|.

%% Customize Variable-Level Import Options
% To get and set options for specific variables use the
% |getvaropts|, |setvartype|, and |setvaropts| functions. For example, view
% the current options for the variables named |FlightNum|, |Origin|,
% |Dest|, and |ArrDelay|, using the |getvaropts| function.
% Change the data types for the variables using the |setvartype| function:
% * Since the values in the variable |FlightNum| are identifiers for the
% flight and not numerical values, change its data type to |char|.
% * Since the variables |Origin| and |Dest| designate a finite set of
% repeating text values, change their data type to |categorical|.

 opts = setvartype(opts,{'FlightNum','Origin','Dest','ArrDelay'},...
% Change other properties using the |setvaropts| function:
% * For the |FlightNum| variable, remove any leading white spaces from the
% text by setting the |WhiteSpaceRule| property to |trimleading|.
% * For the |ArrDelay| variable, replace fields containing |0| or |NA| with
% the value specified in |FillValue| property by setting the
% |TreatAsMissing| property.
 opts = setvaropts(opts,'FlightNum','WhitespaceRule','trimleading');
 opts = setvaropts(opts,'ArrDelay','TreatAsMissing',{'0','NA'});
%% Import Table
% Specify the variables to get, import them using |readtable|, and display
% the first |10| rows of the table.
opts.SelectedVariableNames = {'FlightNum','Origin','Dest','ArrDelay'}; 
T = readtable('airlinesmall.csv',opts);