www.gusucode.com > matlab 案例源码 matlab代码程序 > matlab/InterpolationWithTheInterpFamilyOfFunctionsExample.m

    %% Interpolation with the interp Family of Functions

%% The interp1 Function
% This example shows how the |interp1| function can be used to interpolate
% a set of sample values using the |'pchip'| method.

% The function |interp1| performs one-dimensional interpolation. Its most
% general form is:
%  Vq = interp1(X,V,Xq,method)
% where |X| is a vector of coordinates and |V| is a vector containing the
% values at those coordinates. |Xq| is a vector containing the query points
% at which to interpolate, and |method| optionally specifies any of four
% interpolation methods: |'nearest'|, |'linear'|, |'pchip'|, or |'spline'|.

% Create a set of 1-D grid points |X| and corresponding sample values |V|.
X = [1 2 3 4 5];
V = [12 16 31 10 6];

% Interpolate over finer intervals with 0.1 spacing.
Xq = (1:0.1:5);
Vq = interp1(X,V,Xq,'pchip');

% Plot the samples and interpolated values.
hold on
hold off

%% 1-D Extrapolation With interp1
% This example shows how to use the |'extrap'| option to interpolate beyond the domain of your sample points.

% Define the sample points and values.
X = [1 2 3 4 5];
V = [12 16 31 10 6];

% Specify the query points, |Xq|, that extend beyond the domain of |X|.
Xq = (0:0.1:6);
Vq = interp1(X,V,Xq,'pchip','extrap');

% Plot the results.
hold on
hold off

% In an alternative approach, you can introduce additional points to gain
% more control over the behavior in the extrapolated regions. For example,
% you can constrain the curve to remain flat in the extrapolated region by
% extending the domain with repeated values.
X = [0 1 2 3 4 5 6];
V = [12 12 16 31 10 6 6];

% Specify the query points, |Xq|, that extend further beyond the domain of
% |X|.
Xq = (-1:0.1:7);

% Interpolate using |'pchip'|. You can omit the |'extrap'| option because
% it is the default with the |'pchip'| and |'spline'| methods.
Vq = interp1(X,V,Xq,'pchip');

% Plot the results.
hold on
hold off

%% The interp2 Function
% This example shows how the |interp2| function can be used to interpolate
% the coarsely sampled |peaks| function over a finer grid.

% The |interp2| and |interp3| functions perform two and three-dimensional
% interpolation respectively, and they interpolate grids in the |meshgrid|
% format. The calling syntax for |interp2| has the general form:
% |Vq = interp2(X,Y,V,Xq,Yq,method)|
% where |X| and |Y| are arrays of coordinates that define a grid in
% |meshgrid| format, and |V| is an array containing the values at the grid
% points. |Xq| and |Yq| are arrays containing the coordinates of the query
% points at which to interpolate. |method| optionally specifies any of four
% interpolation methods: |'nearest'|, |'linear'|, |'cubic'|, or |'spline'|.

% The grid points that comprise |X| and |Y| must be monotonically
% increasing and should conform to the |meshgrid| format.

% Create a coarse grid and corresponding sample values.
[X,Y] = meshgrid(-3:1:3);
V = peaks(X,Y);

% Plot the sample values.
title('Sample Grid');

% Generate a finer grid for interpolation.
[Xq,Yq] = meshgrid(-3:0.25:3);

% Use |interp2| to interpolate at the query points.
Vq = interp2(X,Y,V,Xq,Yq,'linear');

% Plot the results.
title('Refined Grid');

%% The interp3 Function
% This example shows how to use |interp3| to interpolate a 3-D function
% at a single query point and compare it to the value generated by an
% analytic expression.

% |interp3| works in the same way as |interp2| except that it takes two
% additional arguments: one for the third dimension in the sample grid and
% the other for the third dimension in the query points, 
% |Vq = interp3(X,Y,Z,V,Xq,Yq,Zq,method)|.

% As is the case with |interp2|, the grid points you
% supply to |interp3| must be monotonically increasing
% and should conform to the |meshgrid| format.

% Define a function that generates values for X, Y, and Z input.
generatedvalues = @(X,Y,Z)(X.^2 + Y.^3 + Z.^4);

% Create the sample data.
[X,Y,Z] = meshgrid((-5:.25:5));
V = generatedvalues(X,Y,Z);

% Interpolate at a specific query point.
Vq = interp3(X,Y,Z,V,2.35,1.76,0.23,'cubic')

% Compare |Vq| to the value generated by the analytic expression.
V_actual = generatedvalues(2.35,1.76,0.23)

%% The interpn Function
% This example shows how the |interpn| function can be used to interpolate
% a coarsely sampled function over a finer grid using the |'cubic'| method.

% The function |interpn| performs n-dimensional interpolation on grids that
% are in the |ndgrid| format. Its most general form is:
% |Vq = interpn(X1,X2,X3,...Xn,V,Y1,Y2,Y3,...,Yn,method)|
% where |X1,X2,X3,...,Xn| are arrays of coordinates that define a grid in
% |ndgrid| format, and |V| is an array containing the values at the grid
% points. |Y1,Y2,Y3,...,Yn| are arrays containing the coordinates of the
% query points at which to interpolate. |method| optionally specifies any
% of four interpolation methods: |'nearest'|, |'linear'|, |'cubic'|, or
% |'spline'|.
% The grid points that comprise |X1,X2,X3,...Xn| must be monotonically
% increasing and should conform to the |ndgrid| format.

% Create a set of grid points and corresponding sample values.
[X1,X2] = ndgrid((-5:1:5));
R = sqrt(X1.^2 + X2.^2)+ eps;
V = sin(R)./(R);

% Plot the sample values.
title('Sample Grid');

% Create a finer grid for interpolation.
[Y1,Y2] = ndgrid((-5:.5:5));

% Interpolate over the finer grid and plot the results.
Vq = interpn(X1,X2,V,Y1,Y2,'cubic');
title('Refined Grid');

% |interpn| has an alternate syntax: |Vq = interpn(V,ntimes,method)| that
% allows you to interpolate over a grid that is an integer number of times
% finer than the sample grid. In the previous code, |Y1| and |Y2| queried
% the interpolant over a grid that contained one extra point between each
% of the samples. The following code demonstrates how you can achieve the
% same result with |ntimes=1|.

% Interpolate over a finer grid using |ntimes=1|.
Vq = interpn(V,1,'cubic');

% Plot the result.
title('Refined Grid with NTIMES');

% Notice that the plot is scaled differently than in the previous example.
% This is because we called |mesh| and passed the values only. The |mesh|
% function used a default grid based on the dimensions of |Vq|. The output
% values are the same in both cases.

% You can also supply a nonuniform grid of query points. This can be useful
% if you are interested in querying the interpolant at a higher resolution
% in one region of the grid. The following code shows how this can be done.

% Interpolate over a biased grid.
[Y1, Y2] = ndgrid([-5 -4 -3 -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1.25 -1 -0.75 -0.5 -0.20 0]);
Vq = interpn(X1,X2,V,Y1,Y2,'cubic');

% Plot the result.
title('Biased Grid');