www.gusucode.com > matlab 案例源码 matlab代码程序 > matlab/KeepTrailingNonbreakingSpaceCharacterExample.m

    %% Keep Trailing Nonbreaking Space Character
% Create a character vector that includes the nonbreaking space character,
% |char(160)|, as a trailing blank character.
chr = '     MathWorks';
chr = [chr char(160) '     '];

% Display |chr| between ||| symbols to show the leading and trailing
% whitespace.
['|' chr '|']

% Remove the trailing whitespace characters.
newChr = deblank(chr);

% Display |newChr| between ||| symbols. |deblank| removes the trailing space
% characters, but leaves the nonbreaking space at the end of |newChr|.
['|' newChr '|']