www.gusucode.com > matlab 案例源码 matlab代码程序 > matlab/LimitationsOfQuad2dExample.m

    %% Limitations of |quad2d|
% |quad2d| begins by mapping the region of integration to a rectangle.
% Consequently, it may have trouble integrating over a region that does not
% have four sides or has a side that cannot be mapped smoothly to a
% straight line. If the integration is unsuccessful, some helpful tactics
% are leaving |Singular| set to its default value of |true|, changing
% between Cartesian and polar coordinates, or breaking the region of
% integration into pieces and adding the results of integration over the
% pieces.
% For instance:
fun = @(x,y)abs(x.^2 + y.^2 - 0.25);
c = @(x)-sqrt(1 - x.^2);
d = @(x)sqrt(1 - x.^2);
% The failure plot shows two areas of difficulty, near the points |(-1,0)|
% and |(1,0)| and near the circle $x^2 + y^2 = 0.25$.
% Changing the value of |Singular| to |true| will cope with the geometric
% singularities at |(-1,0)| and |(1,0)|. The larger shaded areas may need
% refinement but are probably not areas of difficulty.
Q = quad2d(fun,-1,1,c,d,'AbsTol',1e-8, ... 
% From here you can take advantage of symmetry:
Q = 4*quad2d(fun,0,1,0,d,'Abstol',1e-8,...
% However, the code is still working very hard near the singularity. It may
% not be able to provide higher accuracy:
Q = 4*quad2d(fun,0,1,0,d,'Abstol',1e-10,...
% At higher accuracy, a change in coordinates may work better.
polarfun = @(theta,r) fun(r.*cos(theta),r.*sin(theta)).*r;
Q = 4*quad2d(polarfun,0,pi/2,0,1,'AbsTol',1e-10);
% It is best to put the singularity on the boundary by splitting the region
% of integration into two parts:
Q1 = 4*quad2d(polarfun,0,pi/2,0,0.5,'AbsTol',5e-11);
Q2 = 4*quad2d(polarfun,0,pi/2,0.5,1,'AbsTol',5e-11);
Q = Q1 + Q2;