www.gusucode.com > matlab 案例源码 matlab代码程序 > matlab/LoadandSavePartsofVariablesExample.m

    %% Load and Save Parts of Variables  
% Access specific elements of a MAT-file variable.   

% Open a new MAT-file, |myFile2.mat|. 
m = matfile('myFile2.mat');  

% Save a 20-by-20 example array to part of a variable, |y|, in |myFile2.mat|.
% Specify the variable in the MAT-file using dot notation similar to accessing
% fields of structure arrays. 
m.y(81:100,81:100) = magic(20); 

% MATLAB(R) inserts the 20-by-20 array into the elements of |y| specified
% by the indices |(81:100,81:100)|.  

% Read a subset of array |y| into a new workspace variable, |z|. 
z = m.y(85:94,85:94); 

% MATLAB reads the 10-by-10 subarray specified by the indices |(85:94,85:94)|
% from the MAT-file into workspace variable |z|.