www.gusucode.com > matlab 案例源码 matlab代码程序 > matlab/MergeCategoriesofOrdinalCategoricalArrayExample.m

    %% Merge Categories of Ordinal Categorical Array  

% Create an ordinal categorical array. 
A = categorical([1 2 3 2 1],1:3,{'poor','fair','good'},'Ordinal',true)  

% Display the categories of |A|. 

% Since |A| is ordinal, the categories have the mathematical ordering |poor
% < fair < good|.  

% Consider all |fair| or |poor| values to be |bad|. Since |A| is ordinal,
% the categories to merge must be consecutive. 
B = mergecats(A,{'fair' 'poor'},'bad') 

% The value |bad| replaces all instances of |fair| and |poor|.  

% Display the categories of |B|. 

% |B| has two categories with the mathematical ordering: |bad < good|.