www.gusucode.com > matlab 案例源码 matlab代码程序 > matlab/MergeTwoCategoriesintoOneExample.m

    %% Merge Two Categories into One  

% Create a categorical array containing various colors. 
A = categorical({'red';'blue';'pink';'red';'blue';'red'}) 

% |A| is a 6-by-1 categorical array.  

% Display the categories of |A|. 

% The three categories are in alphabetical order.  

% Merge the categories |red| and |pink| into the category |red|. Specify
% |red| first in |oldcats| to use it as the merged category. 
oldcats = {'red','pink'};
B = mergecats(A,oldcats) 

% |mergecats| replaces the value |pink| from |A(3)| with |red|.  

% Display the categories of |B|. 

% |B| has two categories instead of three.