www.gusucode.com > matlab 案例源码 matlab代码程序 > matlab/ModelDataWithPolynomialExample.m

    %% Model Data with Polynomial

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

%% Section 1
% This example shows how to model data with a polynomial.
% Measure a quantity |y| at several values of time
% |t|.
t = [0 0.3 0.8 1.1 1.6 2.3];
y = [0.6 0.67 1.01 1.35 1.47 1.25];
title('Plot of y Versus t')

% You can try modeling this data using a second-degree polynomial function,
% $$y=a_{2}t^{2} + a_{1}t + a_{0}.$$

% The unknown coefficients, $a_{0}$, $a_{1}$, and $a_{2}$, are computed by minimizing the sum of the squares of the deviations of the data from the model (least-squares fit).

% Use |polyfit| to find the polynomial coefficients.
p = polyfit(t,y,2)

% MATLAB calculates the polynomial coefficients in descending powers.

% The second-degree polynomial model of the data is given by the
% equation
% $$y = -0.2942t^{2}+1.0231t+0.4981.$$

% Evaluate the polynomial at uniformly
% spaced times, |t2|. Then, plot the original data and the model on the same plot.
t2 = 0:0.1:2.8;
y2 = polyval(p,t2);
title('Plot of Data (Points) and Model (Line)')

% Evaluate model at the data time vector
y2 = polyval(p,t);

% Calculate the residuals.
res = y - y2;

% Plot the residuals.
figure, plot(t,res,'+')
title('Plot of the Residuals')

% Notice that the second-degree fit roughly follows the basic shape of the
% data, but does not capture the smooth curve on which the data seems to
% lie. There appears to be a pattern in the residuals, which indicates that
% a different model might be necessary. A fifth-degree polynomial (shown
% next) does a better job of following the fluctuations in the data.

% Repeat the exercise, this time using a fifth-degree polynomial from
% |polyfit|.
p5 = polyfit(t,y,5)

% Evaluate the polynomial at |t2| and plot the fit on top of the data in a
% new figure window.
y3 = polyval(p5,t2);   
title('Fifth-Degree Polynomial Fit')