www.gusucode.com > matlab 案例源码 matlab代码程序 > matlab/MovingAverageFilterOfVectorDataExample.m

    %% Moving-Average Filter
% A moving-average filter is a common method used for smoothing noisy data.
% This example uses the |filter| function to compute averages along a
% vector of data.

% Create a 1-by-100 row vector of sinusoidal data that is corrupted by
% random noise.
t = linspace(-pi,pi,100);
rng default  %initialize random number generator
x = sin(t) + 0.25*rand(size(t));

% A moving-average filter slides a window of length $windowSize$ along
% the data, computing averages of the data contained in each window. The
% following difference equation defines a moving-average filter of a vector $x$:
% $$ y(n)=\frac{1}{windowSize}\left(x(n)+x(n-1)+...+x(n-(windowSize-1))\right). $$

% For a window size of 5, compute the numerator and denominator
% coefficients for the rational transfer function.
windowSize = 5; 
b = (1/windowSize)*ones(1,windowSize);
a = 1;

% Find the moving average of the data and plot it against the original data.
y = filter(b,a,x);

hold on
legend('Input Data','Filtered Data')