www.gusucode.com > matlab 案例源码 matlab代码程序 > matlab/ODEWithCrudeErrorThresholdExample.m

    %% ODE With Crude Error Threshold
% Compared to |ode45|, the |ode23| solver is better at solving problems
% with crude error tolerances. 

% Compare the performance of |ode45| and |ode23| by solving the
% moderately-stiff ODE
% $$y' = -\lambda y$$
% for $\lambda = 1000$. This ODE is a test equation that becomes
% increasingly stiff as $\lambda$ increases. Use |odeset| to turn on the
% display of solver statistics.
opts = odeset('Stats','on');
tspan = [0 2];
y0 = 1;
lambda = 1e3;
disp('ode45 stats:')
tic, ode45(@(t,y) -lambda*y, tspan, y0, opts), toc

disp(' ')
disp('ode23 stats:')
tic, ode23(@(t,y) -lambda*y, tspan, y0, opts), toc

% For this moderately stiff problem, |ode23| executes slightly faster than
% |ode45| and also has fewer failed steps. The step sizes taken by |ode45|
% and |ode23| for this problem are limited by the stability requirements of
% the equation rather than by accuracy. Since steps taken by |ode23| are
% cheaper than with |ode45|, the |ode23| solver executes quicker even
% though it takes more steps.