www.gusucode.com > matlab 案例源码 matlab代码程序 > matlab/ODEWithStringentErrorThresholdExample.m

    %% ODE with Stringent Error Threshold
% Compared to |ode45|, the |ode113| solver is better at solving problems
% with stringent error tolerances. A common situation where |ode113| excels
% is in orbital dynamics problems, where the solution curve is smooth and
% requires high accuracy.

% The two-body problem considers two interacting masses |m1| and |m2|
% orbiting in a common plane. In this example, one of the masses is
% significantly larger than the other. With the heavy body at the origin,
% the equations of motion are
% $$\begin{array}{cl} x'' &= -x/r^3\\ y'' &= -y/r^3,\end{array}$$
% where 
% $$r = \sqrt{x^2+y^2}.$$
% To solve the system, first convert to a system of four first-order ODEs
% using the substitutions
% $$\begin{array}{cl} y_1 &= x\\ y_2 &= x'\\ y_3 &= y\\ y_4 &=
% y'.\end{array}$$
% The substitutions produce the first-order system
% $$\begin{array}{cl} y'_1 &= y_2\\ y'_2 &= -y_1/r^3\\ y'_3 &= y_4 \\ y'_4
% &= -y_3/r^3.\end{array}$$

% The function |twobodyode| codes the system of equations for the two-body
% problem.
% <include>twobodyode</include>

% Save |twobodyode.m| in your working directory, then solve the ODE using
% |ode113|. Use stringent error tolerances of |1e-13| for |RelTol| and
% |1e-14| for |AbsTol|.
opts = odeset('Reltol',1e-13,'AbsTol',1e-14,'Stats','on');
tspan = [0 10*pi];
y0 = [2 0 0 0.5];

[t,y] = ode113(@twobodyode, tspan, y0, opts);
title('Position and Velocity Components')

axis equal
title('Orbit of Smaller Mass')

% Compared to |ode45|, the |ode113| solver is able to obtain the solution
% faster and with fewer function evaluations.