www.gusucode.com > matlab 案例源码 matlab代码程序 > matlab/PartitionGraphWithLaplacianMatrixExample.m

    %% Partition Graph with Laplacian Matrix
% This example shows how to use the Laplacian matrix of a graph to compute
% the Fiedler vector. The Fiedler vector can be used to partition the graph
% into two subgraphs.

%% Load Data
% Load the data set |barbellgraph.mat|, which contains the sparse adjacency
% matrix and node coordinates of a barbell graph.

%% Plot Graph
% Plot the graph using the custom node coordinates |xy|.
G = graph(A,'OmitSelfLoops');
p = plot(G,'XData',xy(:,1),'YData',xy(:,2),'Marker','.','MarkerSize',4.5);
axis equal

%% Calculate Laplacian Matrix and Fiedler Vector
% Calculate the Laplacian matrix of the graph. Then, calculate the two
% smallest eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors using |eigs|.
L = laplacian(G);
[V,D] = eigs(L,2,'sm');

% The Fiedler vector is the eigenvector corresponding to the second
% smallest eigenvalue of the graph. The _smallest_ eigenvalue is zero,
% indicating that the graph has one connected component. In this case, the
% first column in |V| corresponds to the second smallest eigenvalue
% |D(1,1)|.

w = V(:,1);

% Finding the Fiedler vector using |eigs| is scalable to larger graphs,
% since only a subset of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors are computed, but
% for smaller graphs it is equally feasible to convert the Laplacian matrix
% to full storage and use |eig(full(L))|.

%% Partition Graph
% Partition the graph into two subgraphs using the Fiedler vector |w|. A
% node is assigned to subgraph A if it has a positive value in |w|.
% Otherwise, the node is assigned to subgraph B. This practice is called a
% _sign cut_ or _zero threshold cut_. The sign cut minimizes the weight of
% the cut, subject to the upper and lower bounds on the weight of any
% nontrivial cut of the graph.
% Partition the graph using the sign cut. Highlight the subgraph of nodes
% with |w>=0| in red, and the nodes with |w<0| in black.
highlight(p,find(w>=0),'NodeColor','r') % subgraph A
highlight(p,find(w<0),'NodeColor','k') % subgraph B

% For the bar bell graph, this partition bisects the graph nicely into two
% equal sets of nodes. However, the sign cut does not always produce a
% balanced cut.
% It is always possible to bisect a graph by calculating the median of |w|
% and using it as a threshold value. This partition is called the _median
% cut_, and it guarantees an equal number of nodes in each subgraph. 
% You can use the median cut by first shifting the values in |w| by the
% median:
%    w_med = w - median(w);
% Then, partition the graph by sign in |w_med|. For the bar bell graph, the
% median of |w| is close to zero, so the two cuts produce similar
% bisections.