www.gusucode.com > matlab 案例源码 matlab代码程序 > matlab/PlotBranchesOfComplexLogarithmExample.m

    %% Branches of Complex Logarithm
% Create two Cartesian grids for X and Y in the interval |[-4,4]|.

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

[X,Y] = meshgrid(-4:0.25:4,-4:0.25:4);
% Calculate the complex logarithm on the grid. Use |1i| for improved speed
% and robustness with complex arithmetic.
Z = log(X + 1i*Y);
% Make a surface plot of the imaginary portion of the function.
grid on
hold on
title('Principal Branch of Im[$\log(X+iY)$]','Interpreter','latex')
% On the complex plane, the natural logarithm is a multivalued function
% that winds around the origin.
% To obtain a different branch of the function, add $2\pi i$ to
% the |Z| values.
z2 = Z + 2*pi*1i;
title('Two Branches of the Complex Logarithm')
% In this plot, the branches are stacked on top of each other and meet along
% the negative real axis.