www.gusucode.com > matlab 案例源码 matlab代码程序 > matlab/PlotTwoTimeSeriesObjectsOnTheSameAxesExample.m

    %% Plot Two Time Series Objects on the Same Axes
% Create two time series objects from traffic count data, and then plot
% them in sequence on the same axes. Add an event to one series, which is
% automatically displayed with a red marker.

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

load count.dat;
count1 = timeseries(count(:,1),1:24);
count1.Name = 'Oak St. Traffic Count';
count1.TimeInfo.Units = 'hours';
grid on

% Obtain time of maximum value and add it as an event:
[~,index] = max(count1.Data);
max_event = tsdata.event('peak',count1.Time(index));
max_event.Units = 'hours';
% Add the event to the time series:
count1 = addevent(count1,max_event);
% Replace plot with new one showing the event:
grid on

% Make a new time series object from column 2 of the same data source:
count2 = timeseries(count(:,2),1:24);
count2.Name = 'Maple St. Traffic Count';
count2.TimeInfo.Units = 'Hours';
% Turn hold on to add the new data to the plot:
hold on
% The plot method does not add labels to a held plot.
% Use property/value pairs to customize markers:

% Labels are erased, so generate them manually:
title('Time Series: Oak Street and Maple Street')
xlabel('Hour of day')
ylabel('Vehicle count')
% Add a legend in the upper left:
legend('Oak St.','Maple St.','Location','northwest')