www.gusucode.com > matlab 案例源码 matlab代码程序 > matlab/ProgrammaticFittingExample.m

    %% Programmatic Fitting

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

%% Load Sample Data
% Load sample census data from |census.mat|, which contains U.S. population
% data from the years 1790 to 1990.
load census

% This adds the following two variables to the MATLAB workspace.
% * |cdate| is a column vector containing the years 1790 to 1990 in
% increments of 10.
% * |pop| is a column vector with the U.S. population numbers corresponding
% to each year in |cdate|.

% Plot the data.
title('U.S. Population from 1790 to 1990')

% The plot shows a strong pattern, which indicates a high correlation
% between the variables.

%% Calculate Correlation Coefficients
% Calculate the correlation-coefficient matrix.

% The diagonal matrix elements represent the perfect correlation of each
% variable with itself and are equal to 1. The off-diagonal elements are
% very close to 1, indicating that there is a strong statistical
% correlation between the variables |cdate| and |pop|.

%% Fit a Polynomial to the Data
% Calculate fit parameters.
[p,ErrorEst] = polyfit(cdate,pop,2);

% Evaluate the fit.
pop_fit = polyval(p,cdate,ErrorEst);

% Plot the data and the fit.
title('U.S. Population from 1790 to 1990')
legend('Polynomial Model','Data','Location','NorthWest');
xlabel('Census Year');
ylabel('Population (millions)');

% The plot shows that the quadratic-polynomial fit provides a good
% approximation to the data.

% Calculate the residuals for this fit.
res = pop - pop_fit;
figure, plot(cdate,res,'+')
title('Residuals for the Quadratic Polynomial Model')

% Notice that the plot of the residuals exhibits a pattern, which indicates
% that a second-degree polynomial might not be appropriate for modeling
% this data.

%% Plot and Calculate Confidence Bounds
% Evaluate the fit and the prediction error estimate (delta).
[pop_fit,delta] = polyval(p,cdate,ErrorEst);

% Plot the data, the fit, and the confidence bounds.
xlabel('Census Year');
ylabel('Population (millions)');
title('Quadratic Polynomial Fit with Confidence Bounds')
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