www.gusucode.com > matlab 案例源码 matlab代码程序 > matlab/ReadDatastoreOfMATFilesExample.m

    %% Read Datastore of MAT-Files
% Create a datastore containing all |.mat| files within the MATLAB(R)
% |demos| folder, specifying the |load| function to read the file data.
fds = fileDatastore(fullfile(matlabroot,'toolbox','matlab','demos'),'ReadFcn',@load,'FileExtensions','.mat')

% Read the first file in the datastore, and then read the second file.
data1 = read(fds);                   
data2 = read(fds);                   

% Read all files in the datastore simultaneously.

% Initialize a cell array to hold the data and counter |i|.
dataarray = cell(numel(fds.Files), 1);
i = 1;

% Reset the datastore to the first file and read the files one at a time
% until there is no data left.  Assign the data to the array |dataarray|.
while hasdata(fds)                   
    dataarray{i} = read(fds);
    i = i+1;