www.gusucode.com > matlab 案例源码 matlab代码程序 > matlab/ReadFromNetCDFFileUsingLowLevelFunctionsExample.m

    %% Read from NetCDF File Using Low-Level Functions
% This example shows how to get information about the dimensions,
% variables, and attributes in a NetCDF file using MATLAB low-level
% functions in the |netcdf| package. To use these functions effectively,
% you should be familiar with the NetCDF C Interface.
%% Open NetCDF File
% Open the sample NetCDF file, |example.nc|, using the |netcdf.open|
% function, with read-only access.

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

ncid = netcdf.open('example.nc','NC_NOWRITE')
% |netcdf.open| returns a file identifier.
%% Get Information About NetCDF File
% Get information about the contents of the file using the |netcdf.inq|
% function. This function corresponds to the |nc_inq| function in the NetCDF library C API.
[ndims,nvars,natts,unlimdimID] = netcdf.inq(ncid)
% |netcdf.inq| returns the number of dimensions, variables, and global
% attributes in the file, and returns the identifier of the unlimited
% dimension in the file. An unlimited dimension can grow.
% Get the name of the global attribute in the file using the
% |netcdf.inqAttName| function. This function corresponds to the
% |nc_inq_attname| function in the NetCDF library C API. To get the name of
% an attribute, you must specify the ID of the variable the attribute is
% associated with and the attribute number. To access a global attribute,
% which is not associated with a particular variable, use the constant
% |'NC_GLOBAL'| as the variable ID.
global_att_name = netcdf.inqAttName(ncid,...
% Get information about the data type and length of the attribute using the
% |netcdf.inqAtt| function. This function corresponds to the |nc_inq_att|
% function in the NetCDF library C API. Again, specify the variable ID
% using |netcdf.getConstant('NC_GLOBAL')|.
[xtype,attlen] = netcdf.inqAtt(ncid,...
% Get the value of the attribute, using the |netcdf.getAtt| function.
global_att_value = netcdf.getAtt(ncid,...
% Get information about the first dimension in the file, using the
% |netcdf.inqDim| function. This function corresponds to the |nc_inq_dim|
% function in the NetCDF library C API. The second input to |netcdf.inqDim|
% is the dimension ID, which is a zero-based index that identifies the
% dimension. The first dimension has the index value |0|.
[dimname,dimlen] = netcdf.inqDim(ncid,0)
% |netcdf.inqDim| returns the name and length of the dimension.
% Get information about the first variable in the file using the
% |netcdf.inqVar| function. This function corresponds to the |nc_inq_var|
% function in the NetCDF library C API. The second input to |netcdf.inqVar|
% is the variable ID, which is a zero-based index that identifies the
% variable. The first variable has the index value |0|.
[varname,vartype,dimids,natts] = netcdf.inqVar(ncid,0)
% |netcdf.inqVar| returns the name, data type, dimension ID, and the number
% of attributes associated with the variable. The data type information
% returned in |vartype| is the numeric value of the NetCDF data type
% constants, such as, |NC_INT| and |NC_BYTE|. See the NetCDF documentation for
% information about these constants.
%% Read Data from NetCDF File
% Read the data associated with the variable, |avagadros_number|, in the
% example file, using the |netcdf.getVar| function. The second input to
% |netcdf.getVar| is the variable ID, which is a zero-based index that
% identifies the variable. The |avagadros_number| variable has the index value |0|.
A_number = netcdf.getVar(ncid,0)
% View the data type of |A_number|.
whos A_number
% The functions in the |netcdf| package  automatically choose the MATLAB
% class that best matches the NetCDF data type, but you can also specify
% the class of the return data by using an optional argument to
% |netcdf.getVar|.
% Read the data associated with |avagadros_number| and return the data as class |single|.  
A_number = netcdf.getVar(ncid,0,'single');
whos A_number
%% Close NetCDF File
% Close the NetCDF file, |example.nc|.