www.gusucode.com > matlab 案例源码 matlab代码程序 > matlab/ReturnMatchesInCellExample.m

    %% Return Matches in Cell
% Find matches within a piece of text and return the output in a scalar
% cell.
% Find words that start with c, end with t, and contain one or more vowels 
% between them. Return the starting indices in a scalar cell.
str = 'bat cat can car coat court CUT ct CAT-scan';
expression = 'c[aeiou]+t';
startIndex = regexp(str,expression,'forceCellOutput')

% To access the starting indices as a numeric array, index into the cell.

% Return the matching and nonmatching substrings. Each output is in its own
% scalar cell.
[match,noMatch] = regexp(str,expression,'match','split','forceCellOutput')
% To access the array of matches, index into |match|.

% To access the substrings that do not match, index into |noMatch|.