www.gusucode.com > matlab 案例源码 matlab代码程序 > matlab/SetDataTypesForMultipleVariablesExample.m

    %% Set Data Types for Multiple Variables
% Use |detectImportOptions| to create import options, set
% multiple variable data types, and then read the data using
% |readtable|.

% Create an options object. 
opts = detectImportOptions('patients.xls');

% Examine the current (detected) data types of the variables. 
disp([opts.VariableNames' opts.VariableTypes'])

% Change the data type of multiple variables depending on your import needs. 
opts = setvartype(opts,{'LastName','Gender','Location',...
opts = setvartype(opts,{'Age','Height','Weight',...

% Examine the updated data types of the variables. 
disp([opts.VariableNames' opts.VariableTypes'])

% Import the variables with their updated types using |readtable|.
T = readtable('patients.xls',opts);