www.gusucode.com > matlab 案例源码 matlab代码程序 > matlab/SetMembersInPresenceOfNumericalErrorExample.m

    %% Set Members in Presence of Numerical Error
% Create a vector, |x|. Obtain a second vector, |y|, by
% transforming and untransforming |x|. This transformation introduces
% round-off differences to |y|.

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

x = (1:6)'*pi;
y = 10.^log10(x);

% Verify that |x| and |y| are not identical by taking the difference.

% Use |ismember| to find the elements of |x| that are in |y|. The
% |ismember| function performs exact comparisons and determines that some
% of the matrix elements in |x| are not members of |y|.
lia = ismember(x,y)

% Use |ismembertol| to perform the comparison using a small tolerance.
% |ismembertol| treats elements that are within tolerance as equal and
% determines that all of the elements in |x| are members of |y|.
LIA = ismembertol(x,y)