www.gusucode.com > matlab 案例源码 matlab代码程序 > matlab/SingularValueDecompositionOfSparseMatrixExample.m

    %% Singular Value Decomposition of Sparse Matrix
% |west0479| is a real-valued 479-by-479 sparse matrix. The matrix has a
% few large singular values, and many small singular values.
% Load |west0479| and store it as |A|.
load west0479
A = west0479;

% Compute the singular value decomposition of |A|, returning the six
% largest singular values and the corresponding singular vectors. Specify a
% fourth output argument to check convergence of the singular values.
[U,S,V,cflag] = svds(A);

% |cflag| indicates that all of the singular values converged. The singular
% values are on the diagonal of the output matrix |S|.
s = diag(S)

% Check the results by computing the full singular value decomposition of
% |A|. Convert |A| to a full matrix and use |svd|.
[U1,S1,V1] = svd(full(A));

% Plot all of the singular values of |A| using a logarithmic scale.
title('Singular Values of west0479')