www.gusucode.com > matlab 案例源码 matlab代码程序 > matlab/SplitStringAtWhitespaceExample.m

    %% Split Strings at Whitespace and Rejoin Them
% Split names in a string array at whitespace. Then reorder the strings and
% join them so that the last names precede the first names.
% Create a 3-by-1 string array containing names.
names = string({'Mary Jones';...
                'John Spencer';...
                'Elizabeth Young'})

% Split |names| at whitespace, making it a 3-by-2 string array.
names = split(names)

% Switch the columns of |names| so that the last names are in the first
% column. Add a comma after each last name.
names = [names(:,2) names(:,1)];
names(:,1) = names(:,1) + ','

% Join the last and first names. The |join| function places a space character 
% between the strings it joins. After the join, |names| is a 3-by-1 string
% array.
names = join(names)