www.gusucode.com > matlab 案例源码 matlab代码程序 > matlab/SplitTextStringwithMultipleDelimitersExample.m

    %% Split Character Vector with Multiple Delimiters  

% Split a character vector on |' '| and |'ain'|, treating multiple delimiters as one.
% Specify multiple delimiters in a cell array of character vectors. 
str = 'The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain.';
[C,matches] = strsplit(str,{' ','ain'},'CollapseDelimiters',true)  

% Split the same character vector on whitespace and on |'ain'|, using regular 
% expressions and treating multiple delimiters separately. 
[C,matches] = strsplit(str,{'\s','ain'},'CollapseDelimiters',...
    false, 'DelimiterType','RegularExpression') 

% In this case, |strsplit| treats the two delimiters separately, so empty
% character vectors appear in output |C| between the consecutively matched delimiters.