www.gusucode.com > matlab 案例源码 matlab代码程序 > matlab/UseNodePropertiesInIsomorphismComparisonExample.m

    %% Preserve Node Properties in Isomorphism Comparison
% Use two different comparisons to determine if there is an isomorphism
% relation between two graphs. One of the comparisons preserves a node
% property, while the other ignores it.
% Create two similar graphs. Add a node property |Color| to each of the
% graphs.
G1 = graph({'d' 'e' 'f'},{'e' 'f' 'd'});
G1.Nodes.Color = {'red' 'red' 'blue'}';

G2 = graph({'a' 'b' 'c'},{'b' 'c' 'a'});
G2.Nodes.Color = {'blue' 'blue' 'red'}';

% Plot the graphs side-by-side in the same figure. Color the nodes red that
% have |Color = 'red'|.
p1 = plot(G1);
highlight(p1,{'d' 'e'},'NodeColor','r')

p2 = plot(G2);

% Determine if the graphs are isomorphic, ignoring the |Color| property. 
tf = isisomorphic(G1,G2)

% Determine if the graphs are isomorphic and preserve the value of the
% |Color| property in the comparison. In this case, there is no isomorphism
% since the |Color| property of each graph contains different numbers of
% |'red'| and |'blue'| values.
tf = isisomorphic(G1,G2,'NodeVariables','Color')