www.gusucode.com > matlab 案例源码 matlab代码程序 > matlab/UseQRDecompositionToComputeSVDOfNearlySingularMatrixExample.m

    %% Use QR Decomposition to Compute SVD of Nearly Singular Matrix
% Compute the 10 smallest singular values of a nearly singular matrix.
rng default
format shortg
B = spdiags([repelem([1; 1e-7], [198, 2]) ones(200, 1)], [0 1], 200, 200);
s1 = svds(B,10,'smallest')

% The warning indicates that |svds| fails to calculate the proper singular
% values. The failure with |svds| is because of the gap between the
% smallest and second smallest singular values. |svds(...,'smallest')|
% needs to invert |B|, which leads to large numerical error.

% For comparison, compute the exact singular values using |svd|. 
s = svd(full(B));
s = s(end-9:end)

% In order to reproduce this calculation with |svds|, do a QR decomposition
% of |B|. The singular values of the triangular matrix |R| are the same as
% for |B|.
[Q,R,p] = qr(B,0);

% Plot the norm of each row of |R|.
rownormR = sqrt(diag(R*R'));
hold on;
semilogy(size(R, 1), rownormR(end), 'ro')

% The last entry in |R| is nearly zero, which causes instability in the
% solution.

% Prevent this entry from corrupting the good parts of the solution by
% setting the last row of |R| to be exactly zero.
R(end,:) = 0;

% Use |svds| to find the 10 smallest singular values of |R|. The results
% are comparable to those obtained by |svd|.
sr = svds(R,10,'smallest')

% To compute the singular vectors of |B| using this method, transform the
% left and right singular vectors using |Q| and the permutation vector |p|.
[U,S,V] = svds(R,20,'s');
U = Q*U;
V(p,:) = V;