www.gusucode.com > matlab 案例源码 matlab代码程序 > matlab/UsingTheDelaunayTriangulationClassExample.m

    %% Using the delaunayTriangulation Class

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

%% Create, Query, and Edit Delaunay Triangulation
% This example shows how to create, query, and edit a Delaunay
% triangulation from the |seamount| data using |delaunayTriangulation|. The
% seamount data set contains (|x|, |y|) locations and corresponding
% elevations (|z|) that define the surface of the seamount.

% Load and triangulate the (|x|, |y|) data.
load seamount
DT = delaunayTriangulation(x,y)

% The |Constraints| property is empty because there aren't any imposed edge
% constraints. The |Points| property represents the coordinates of the
% vertices, and the |ConnectivityList| property represents the triangles. Together, these two properties define the matrix data for the triangulation.

% The |delaunayTriangulation| class is a wrapper around the matrix data,
% and it offers a set of complementary methods. You access the properties
% in a |delaunayTriangulation| in the same way you access the fields of a struct.

% Access the vertex data.

% Access the connectivity data.

% Access the first triangle in the |ConnectivityList| property.

% |delaunayTriangulation| provides an easy way to index into the
% |ConnectivityList| property matrix.

% Access the first triangle.

% Examine the first vertex of the first triangle.

% Examine all the triangles in the triangulation.

% Indexing into the |delaunayTriangulation| output, |DT|, works like
% indexing into the triangulation array output from |delaunay|. The
% difference between the two are the extra methods that you can call on
% |DT| (for example, |nearestNeighbor| and |pointLocation|).

% Use |triplot| to plot the |delaunayTriangulation|. The |triplot| function is
% not a |delaunayTriangulation| method, but it accepts and can plot a
% |delaunayTriangulation|.
axis equal
xlabel('Longitude'), ylabel('Latitude')
grid on

% Alternatively, you could use |triplot(DT(:,:), DT.Points(:,1),
% DT.Points(:,2));| to get the same plot.

% Use the |delaunayTriangulation| method, |convexHull|, to compute the
% convex hull and add it to the plot. Since you already have a Delaunay
% triangulation, this method allows you to derive the convex hull more
% efficiently than a full computation using |convhull|.
hold on
k = convexHull(DT);
xHull = DT.Points(k,1);
yHull = DT.Points(k,2);
hold off

% You can incrementally edit the |delaunayTriangulation| to add or remove
% points. If you need to add points to an existing triangulation, then an
% incremental addition is faster than a complete retriangulation of the
% augmented point set. Incremental removal of points is more efficient when
% the number of points to be removed is small relative to the existing
% number of points.

% Edit the triangulation to remove the points on
% the convex hull from the previous computation.

axis equal
grid on

% The convex hull topology duplicates the start and end vertex.
% Remove the duplicate entry.
k(end) = [];

% Now remove the points on the convex hull.
DT.Points(k,:) = []
% Plot the new triangulation
hold on
hold off

% There is one vertex that is just inside the boundary of the convex hull
% that was not removed. The fact that it is interior to the hull can be
% seen using the Zoom-In tool in the figure. You could plot the vertex
% labels to determine the index of this vertex and remove it from the
% triangulation. Alternatively, you can use the |nearestNeighbor| method to identify the index more readily.

% The point is close to location (211.6, -48.15)
% Use the nearestNeighbor method to find the nearest vertex.
vertexId = nearestNeighbor(DT, 211.6, -48.15)

% Now remove that vertex from the triangulation.
DT.Points(vertexId,:) = []

% Plot the new triangulation.
axis equal
grid on
hold on
hold off

% Add points to the existing triangulation.
% Add 4 points to form a rectangle around the triangulation.
Padditional = [210.9 -48.5; 211.6 -48.5; ...
     211.6 -47.9; 210.9 -47.9];
DT.Points(end+(1:4),:) = Padditional

% Close all existing figures.
close all

% Plot the new triangulation.
axis equal
grid on
hold on
hold off

% You can edit the points in the triangulation to move them to a new location.
% Edit the first of the additional point set (the vertex ID 274).
DT.Points(274,:) = [211 -48.4];

% Close all existing figures.
close all

% Plot the new triangulation
axis equal
grid on
hold on
hold off

% Use the a method of the |triangulation| class, |vertexAttachments|, to find the attached triangles. Since the number of triangles attached to a vertex is variable, the method returns the attached triangle IDs in a cell array. You need braces to extract the contents.
attTris = vertexAttachments(DT,274);
hold on
hold off

% |delaunayTriangulation| also can be used to triangulate points in 3-D space. The resulting triangulation is composed of tetrahedra.

%% Create and Plot Delaunay Triangulation of 3-D Points
% This example shows how to use a |delaunayTriangulation| to create and
% plot the triangulation of 3-D points.

P = gallery('uniformdata',30,3,0);
DT = delaunayTriangulation(P)
faceColor  = [0.6875 0.8750 0.8984];
tetramesh(DT,'FaceColor', faceColor,'FaceAlpha',0.3);

% The |tetramesh| function plots both the internal and external faces of
% the triangulation. For large 3-D triangulations, plotting the internal
% faces might be an unnecessary use of resources. A plot of the boundary
% might be more appropriate. You can use the |freeBoundary| method to get
% the boundary triangulation in matrix format. Then pass the result to
% |trimesh| or |trisurf|.