www.gusucode.com > matlab 案例源码 matlab代码程序 > matlab/WriteImageToMotionJPEG2000FileExample.m

    %% Write Image to Motion JPEG 2000 File 
% Write an RGB image to a Motion JPEG 2000 file with lossless compression.
% Create an array containing data from the sample still image, |peppers.png|.

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

A = imread('peppers.png'); 
% Create a |VideoWriter| object for a new video file. Use the |'Archival'|
% profile to specify a Motion JPEG 2000 file with lossless compression.
v = VideoWriter('myFile','Archival');
% Verify the type of video compression for the new file.
% Open the video file for writing. Then, write the image data in |A| to the
% file.
% Close the video file.