www.gusucode.com > mpc 案例源码 matlab代码程序 > mpc/CheckActiveInequalityConstraintsForQPSolutionExample.m

    %% Check Active Inequality Constraints for QP Solution
% Find the values of _x_ that minimize
% $$f\left( x \right) = 3x_1^2 + 0.5x_2^2 - 2{x_1}{x_2} - 3{x_1} + 4{x_2},$$
% subject to the constraints
% $$\begin{array}{l}
% {x_1} \ge 0\\
% {x_1} + {x_2} \le 5\\
% {x_1} + 2{x_2} \le 7.
% \end{array}$$
% Specify the Hessian and linear multiplier vector for the objective
% function.

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

H = [6 -2; -2 1];
f = [-3; 4];

% Specify the ineqaulity constraint parameters.
A = [1 0; -1 -1; -1 -2];
b = [0; -5; -7];

% Define Aeq and beq to indicate that there are no equality constraints.
Aeq = [];
beq = zeros(0,1);

% Find the lower-triangular Cholesky decomposition of |H|.
[L,p] = chol(H,'lower');
Linv = inv(L);

% Verify that |H| is positive definite by checking if |p = 0|.

% Create a default option set for |mpcqpsolver|.
opt = mpcqpsolverOptions;

% To cold start the solver, define all inequality constraints as inactive.
iA0 = false(size(b));

% Solve the QP problem.
[x,status,iA,lambda] = mpcqpsolver(Linv,f,A,b,Aeq,beq,iA0,opt);

% Check the active inequality constraints. An active inequality constraint
% is at equality for the optimal solution.

% There is a single active inequality constraint.
% View the Lagrange multiplier for this constraint.