www.gusucode.com > mpc 案例源码 matlab代码程序 > mpc/DesignMPCControllerEquivalentToLQRControllerExample.m

    %% Design an MPC Controller Equivalent to LQR Controller
% This example shows shows how to design an unconstrained MPC
% controller that provides performance equivalent to an LQR controller.

%% Define the Plant Model
% The plant is a double integrator, represented as a state-space model in
% discrete time with a sample time of 0.1 seconds. In this case the two
% plant states are measurable at the plant outputs.
A = [1 0;0.1 1];
B = [0.1;0.005];
C = eye(2);
D = zeros(2,1);
Ts = 0.1;
Plant = ss(A,B,C,D,Ts);
Plant.InputName = {'u'};
Plant.OutputName = {'x_1','x_2'};

%% Design an LQR Controller
% Design an LQR controller with output feedback for the plant.
Q = eye(2);
R = 1;
[K,Qp] = lqry(Plant,Q,R);

% |Q| and |R| are output and input weight matrices, respectively. |Qp| is
% the Ricatti matrix.

%% Design an Equivalent MPC Controller
% To implement the MPC cost function, compute $L$, the Cholesky
% decomposition of $Q_p$, such that ${L^T}L = {Q_p}$. Then define
% auxilliary unmeasured output variables ${y_a}\left( k \right) = Lx\left(
% k\right)$, such that $y_a^T{y_a} = {x^T}{Q_p}x$.
NewPlant = Plant;
L = chol(Qp);
NewPlant.InputGroup.MV = 1;
NewPlant.OutputGroup.MO = [1 2];
NewPlant.OutputGroup.UO = [3 4];

% Create an MPC controller with equal prediction and control horizons.
P = 3;
M = 3;
MPCobj = mpc(NewPlant,Ts,P,M);

% Specify weights for the manipulated variable and output variables for the
% first $p-1$ prediction horizon steps. Use the square roots of the
% diagonal elements of the $Q$ and $R$ weight matrices from the LQR
% controller design. The standard $Q$ weight matrix values apply to $y$,
% and $y_a$ has a zero penalty.
ywt = sqrt(diag(Q))';
uwt = sqrt(diag(R))';
MPCobj.Weights.OV = [ywt 0 0];
MPCobj.Weights.MV = uwt;

% Specify terminal weights for the final prediction horizon step. On step $p$, the
% original $y$ has a zero penalty, and $y_a$ has a unit penalty.  The input
% weight remains the same for the terminal step.
U = struct('Weight',uwt);
Y = struct('Weight',[0 0 1 1]);

% Remove the default state estimator. Since the model states are measured
% directly, the default state estimator is unnecessary.

%% Compare Controller Performance
% Compare the performance of the LQR controller, the MPC controller with
% terminal weights, and a standard MPC controller.

% Compute the closed-loop response for the LQR controller.
clsys = feedback(Plant,K);
Tstop = 6;
x0 = [0.2;0.2];
[yLQR,tLQR] = initial(clsys,x0,Tstop);

% Compute the closed-loop response for the MPC controller with terminal
% weights.
SimOptions = mpcsimopt(MPCobj);
SimOptions.PlantInitialState = x0;
r = zeros(1,4);
[y,t,u] = sim(MPCobj,ceil(Tstop/Ts),r,SimOptions);
Cost = sum(sum(y(:,1:2)*diag(ywt).*y(:,1:2))) + sum(u*diag(uwt).*u);

% Compute the closed-loop response for a standard MPC controller with
% default predicition and control horizons ($p=10$, $m=3$). To match the
% other controllers, remove the default state estimator from the standard
% MPC controller.
MPCobjSTD = mpc(Plant,Ts);
MPCobjSTD.Weights.MV = uwt;
MPCobjSTD.Weights.OV = ywt;
SimOptions = mpcsimopt(MPCobjSTD);
SimOptions.PlantInitialState = x0;
r = zeros(1,2);
[ySTD,tSTD,uSTD] = sim(MPCobjSTD,ceil(Tstop/Ts),r,SimOptions);
CostSTD = sum(sum(ySTD*diag(ywt).*ySTD)) + sum(uSTD*uwt.*uSTD);

% Compare the controller responses.
h1 = line(tSTD,ySTD,'color','r');
h2 = line(t,y(:,1:2),'color','b');
h3 = line(tLQR,yLQR,'color','m','marker','o','linestyle','none');
ylabel('Plant Outputs')
legend([h1(1) h2(1) h3(1)],'Standard MPC','MPC with Terminal Weights','LQR','Location','NorthEast')

% The MPC controller with terminal weights has a faster settling time
% compared to the standard MPC controller. The LQR controller and the MPC
% controller with terminal weights perform identically.

% As reported in <docid:mpc_ug.bthh9z6-1>, the computed |Cost| value of
% |2.23| for the MPC controller with terminal weights is identical to the
% LQR controller cost. The cost for the standard MPC controller, |CostSTD|,
% is |4.82|, more than double the value of |Cost|.

% You can improve the standard MPC controller performance by adjusting the
% horizons. For example, if you increase the prediction and control
% horizons ($p=20$, $m=5$), the standard MPC controller performs almost
% identically to the MPC controller with terminal weights.

% This example shows that using terminal penalty weights can eliminate
% the need to tune the prediction and control horizons for the
% unconstrained MPC case. If your application includes constraints, using a
% terminal weight is insufficient to guarantee nominal stability. You must
% also choose appropriate horizons and possibly add terminal constraints.
% For more information, see Rawlings and Mayne <docid:mpc_ug.bu0qu79-1>.