www.gusucode.com > mpc 案例源码 matlab代码程序 > mpc/SimulationWithVaryingControllerPropertyExample.m

    %% Simulation with Varying Controller Property
% Vary a manipulated variable upper bound during a simulation. 
% Define the plant, which includes a 4-second input delay.  Convert to a
% delay-free, discrete, state-space model using a 2-second control
% interval.  Create the corresponding default controller and then specify
% MV bounds at +/-2.
Ts = 2;
Plant = absorbDelay(c2d(ss(tf(0.8,[5 1],'InputDelay',4)),Ts));
MPCobj = mpc(Plant,Ts);
MPCobj.MV(1).Min = -2; 
MPCobj.MV(1).Max = 2;
% Create an empty |mpcmoveopt| object.  During simulation, you can set
% properties of the object to specify controller parameters.
options = mpcmoveopt;
% Pre-allocate storage and initialize the controller state.
v = []; 
t = [0:Ts:20]; 
N = length(t); 
y = zeros(N,1); 
u = zeros(N,1); 
x = mpcstate(MPCobj);
% Use |mpcmove| to simulate the following:
% * Reference (setpoint) step change from initial condition _r_ = 0 to _r_ = 1 (servo response).
% * MV upper bound step decrease from 2 to 1, occurring at _t_ = 10.  
r = 1; 
for i = 1:N
    y(i) = Plant.C*x.Plant;
    if t(i) >= 10
        options.MVMax = 1; 
    [u(i),Info] = mpcmove(MPCobj,x,y(i),r,v,options); 
% As the loop executes, the value of |options.MVMax| is reset to 1 for all
% iterations that occur after _t_ = 10.  Prior to that iteration,
% |options.MVMax| is empty.  Therefore, the controller's value for |MVMax|
% is used, |MPCobj.MV(1).Max = 2|.
% Plot the results of the simulation.
[Ts,us] = stairs(t,u); 
xlabel(sprintf('Time, %s',Plant.TimeUnit))
% From the plot, you can observe that the original MV upper bound is active
% until _t_ = 4.  After the input delay of 4 seconds, the output variable
% (OV) moves smoothly to its new target of _r_ = 1. reaching the target at
% _t_ = 10.  The new MV bound imposed at _t_ = 10 becomes avtive
% immediately.  This forces the OV below its target, after the input delay
% elapses.  
% Now assume that you want to impose an OV upper bound at a specified
% location relative to the OV target.  Consider the following constraint
% design command:
MPCobj.OV(1).Max = [Inf,Inf,0.4,0.3,0.2];
% This is a horizon-varying constraint.  The known input delay makes it 
% impossible for the controller to satisfy an OV constraint prior to the
% third prediction-horizon step.  Therefore, a finite constraint during the first
% two steps would be poor practice.  For illustrative purposes, the above
% constraint also decreases from 0.4 at step 3 to 0.2 at step 5 and
% thereafter. 
% The following commands produce the same results shown in the
% previous plot.  The OV constraint is never active because it is being varied
% in concert with the setpoint, _r_.
x = mpcstate(MPCobj);
OPTobj = mpcmoveopt;
for i = 1:N
    y(i) = Plant.C*x.Plant;
    if t(i) >= 10
        OPTobj.MVMax = 1; 
    OPTobj.OutputMax = r + 0.4;
    [u(i),Info] = mpcmove(MPCobj,x,y(i),r,v,OPTobj); 
% The scalar value _r_ + 0.4 replaces the first finite value in the
% |MPCobj.OV(1).Max| vector, and the remaining finite values adjust to
% maintain the original profile, i.e., the numerical difference between
% these values is unchanged.  _r_ = 1 for the simulation, so the above use of
% the mpcmoveopt object is equivalent to the command
MPCobj.OV(1).Max = [Inf, Inf, 1.4, 1.3, 1.2];
% The use of the |mpcmoveopt| object involves much less computational overhead, however.