www.gusucode.com > mpc_featured 案例源码 matlab代码程序 > mpc_featured/CodeGenerationOfComputingOptimalMPCMovesInMATLABExample.m

    %% Generate Code To Compute Optimal MPC Moves in MATLAB
% This example shows how to use the <docid:mpc_ref.bu5k6ul> command to
% generate C code to compute optimal MPC control moves for real-time
% applications.

%% Plant Model
% The plant is a single-input, single-output, stable, 2nd order linear
% plant.
plant = tf(5,[1 0.8 3]);
% Convert the plant to discrete-time, state-space form, and specify a zero
% initial states vector.
Ts = 1;      
plant = ss(c2d(plant,Ts));
x0 = zeros(size(plant.B,1),1);  

%% MPC Controller Design
% Create an MPC controller with default horizons.
mpcobj = mpc(plant,Ts);
% Specify controller tuning weights.
mpcobj.Weights.MV = 0;
mpcobj.Weights.MVrate = 0.5;
mpcobj.Weights.OV = 1;
% Specify initial constraints on the manipualted variable and plant output.
% These constraints will be updated at run-time.
mpcobj.MV.Min = -1;
mpcobj.MV.Max = 1;
mpcobj.OV.Min = -1;
mpcobj.OV.Max = 1;

%% Simulating Online Constraint Changes with |mpcmove| Command
% In the closed-loop simulation, constraints are updated and fed into the
% |mpcmove| command at each control interval.
yMPCMOVE = [];
uMPCMOVE = [];
% Set the simulation time.
Tsim = 20;   
% Initialize the online constraint data.
MVMinData = -0.2-[1 0.95 0.9 0.85 0.8 0.75 0.7 0.65 0.6 0.55 0.5 ...
    0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1];
MVMaxData = 0.2+[1 0.95 0.9 0.85 0.8 0.75 0.7 0.65 0.6 0.55 0.5 ...
    0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1];
OVMinData = -0.2-[1 0.95 0.9 0.85 0.8 0.75 0.7 0.65 0.6 0.55 0.5 ...
    0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1];
OVMaxData = 0.2+[1 0.95 0.9 0.85 0.8 0.75 0.7 0.65 0.6 0.55 0.5 ...
    0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9 0.95 1];
% Initialize plant states.
x = x0;                     
% Initialize MPC states.
xmpc = mpcstate(mpcobj);
% Run a closed-loop simulation by calling |mpcmove| in a loop. 
options = mpcmoveopt;
for ct = 1:round(Tsim/Ts)+1
    % Update and store plant output.
    y = plant.C*x;
    yMPCMOVE = [yMPCMOVE y];
    % Update constraints.
    options.MVMin = MVMinData(ct);
    options.MVMax = MVMaxData(ct);
    options.OutputMin = OVMinData(ct);
    options.OutputMax = OVMaxData(ct);
    % Compute control actions.
    u = mpcmove(mpcobj,xmpc,y,1,[],options);
    % Update and store plant state.
    x = plant.A*x + plant.B*u;
    uMPCMOVE = [uMPCMOVE u];

%% Validate Simulation Results with |mpcmoveCodeGeneration| Command
% To prepare for generating code that computes optimal control moves from
% MATLAB, it is recommended to reproduce the same control results with the
% |mpcmoveCodeGeneration| command before using the |codegen| command from
% the MATLAB Coder product.
yCodeGen = [];
uCodeGen = [];
% Initialize plant states.
x = x0;                     
% Use <docid:mpc_ref.bu5k6vr> to create data structures to use with
% |mpcmoveCodeGeneration|.
[coredata, statedata, onlinedata] = getCodeGenerationData(mpcobj);
% Run a closed-loop simulation by calling |mpcmoveCodeGeneration| in a
% loop.
for ct = 1:round(Tsim/Ts)+1
    % Update and store plant output.
    y = plant.C*x;
    yCodeGen = [yCodeGen y];
    % Update measured output in online data.
    onlinedata.signals.ym = y;    
    % Update reference in online data.
    onlinedata.signals.ref = 1;    
    % Update constraints in online data.
    onlinedata.limits.umin = MVMinData(ct);
    onlinedata.limits.umax = MVMaxData(ct);
    onlinedata.limits.ymin = OVMinData(ct);
    onlinedata.limits.ymax = OVMaxData(ct);
    % Compute control actions.
    [u, statedata] = mpcmoveCodeGeneration(coredata, statedata, onlinedata);
    % Update and store plant state.
    x = plant.A*x + plant.B*u;
    uCodeGen = [uCodeGen u];
% The simulation results are identical to those using |mpcmove|.
t = 0:Ts:Tsim;
title('Plant Output')
title('Controller Moves')

%% Genarating MEX Function From |mpcmoveCodeGeneration| Command
% To generate C code from the |mpcmoveCodeGeneration| command, use the
% |codegen| command from the MATLAB Coder product.  In this example,
% generate a MEX function |mpcmoveMEX| to reproduce the simulation results
% in MATLAB.  You can change the code generation target to C/C++ static
% library, dynamic library, executable, etc. by using a different set of
% |coder.config| settings.
% When generating C code for the |mpcmoveCodeGeneration| command:
% * Since no data integrity checks are performed on the input arguments,
% you must make sure that all the input data has the correct types,
% dimensions, and values.
% * You must define the first input argument, |mpcmove_struct|, as a
% constant when using |codegen| command.
% * The second input argument, |mpcmove_state|, is updated by the command
% and returned as the second output. In most cases, you do not need to
% modify its contents and should simply pass it back to the command in the
% next control interval. The only exception is when custom state estimation
% is enabled, in which case you must provide the current state estimation
% with this argument.
if ~license ('test', 'MATLAB_Coder')
    disp('MATLAB Coder(TM) is required to run this example.')
% Generate MEX function.
fun = 'mpcmoveCodeGeneration';
funOutput = 'mpcmoveMEX';
Cfg = coder.config('mex');
Cfg.DynamicMemoryAllocation = 'off';
% Initialize data storage.
yMEX = [];
uMEX = [];
% Initialize plant states.
x = x0;                     
% Use |getCodeGenerationData| to create data structures to use with
% |mpcmoveCodeGeneration|.
[coredata, statedata, onlinedata] = getCodeGenerationData(mpcobj);
% Run a closed-loop simulation by calling the generated |mpcmoveMEX|
% functions in a loop.
for ct = 1:round(Tsim/Ts)+1
    % Update and store the plant output.
    y = plant.C*x;
    yMEX = [yMEX y];
    % Update measured output in online data.
    onlinedata.signals.ym = y;    
    % Update reference in online data.
    onlinedata.signals.ref = 1;    
    % Update constraints in online data.
    onlinedata.limits.umin = MVMinData(ct);
    onlinedata.limits.umax = MVMaxData(ct);
    onlinedata.limits.ymin = OVMinData(ct);
    onlinedata.limits.ymax = OVMaxData(ct);
    % Compute control actions.
    [u, statedata] = mpcmoveMEX(coredata, statedata, onlinedata);
    % Update and store the plant state.
    x = plant.A*x + plant.B*u;
    uMEX = [uMEX u];
% The simulation results are identical to the those using |mpcmove|.
title('Plant Output')
title('Controller Moves')