www.gusucode.com > mpc_featured 案例源码 matlab代码程序 > mpc_featured/GainScheduledMPCControlOfAnInvertedPendulumOnACartExample.m

    %% Gain Scheduled MPC Control of an Inverted Pendulum on a Cart
% This example uses a gain scheduled model predictive controller to control
% an inverted pendulum on a cart.

% Copyright 1986-2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

%% Product Requirement
% This example requires Simulink(R) Control Design(TM) software to define the
% MPC structure by linearizing a nonlinear Simulink model.
if ~mpcchecktoolboxinstalled('slcontrol')
    disp('Simulink Control Design(R) is required to run this example.')

%% Pendulum/Cart Assembly
% The plant for this example is the following cart/pendulum assembly, where
% _x_ is the cart position and _theta_ is the pendulum angle.  
% <<../pendulumDiagram.png>>
% This system is controlled by exerting a variable force _F_ on the cart.
% The controller needs to keep the pendulum upright while moving the cart
% to a new position or when the pendulum is nudged forward by an impulse
% disturbance _dF_ applied at the upper end of the inverted pendulum.
% This plant is modeled in Simulink with commonly used blocks.
mdlPlant = 'mpc_pendcartPlant';
open_system([mdlPlant '/Pendulum and Cart System'],'force');

%% Control Objectives
% Assume the following initial conditions for the cart/pendulum assembly:
% * The cart is stationary at _x_ = |0|. 
% * The inverted pendulum is stationary at the upright position
% _theta_ = |0|.
% The control objectives are:
% * Cart can be moved to a new position between |-15| and |15| with a step
% setpoint change.
% * When tracking such a setpoint change, the rise time should be less than
% 4 seconds (for performance) and the overshoot should be less than |5|
% percent (for robustness).
% * When an impulse disturbance of magnitude of |2| is applied to the
% pendulum, the cart should return to its original position with a maximum
% displacement of |1|.  The pendulum should also return to the upright
% position with a peak angle displacement of |15| degrees (|0.26| radian).
% The upright position is an unstable equilibrium for the inverted
% pendulum, which makes the control task more challenging.

%% The Choice of Gain Scheduled MPC
% In <docid:mpc_examples.bu7ultl>, a single MPC controller
% is able to move the cart to a new position between -10 and 10.  However,
% if you increase the step setpoint change to 15, the pendulum fails to
% recover its upright position during the transition.
% To reach the longer distance within the same rise time, the controller
% applies more force to the cart at the beginning.  As a result, the
% pendulum is displaced from its upright position by a larger angle such as
% |60| degrees.  At such angles, the plant dynamics differ significantly
% from the LTI predictive model obtained at _theta_ = |0|.  As a result,
% errors in the prediction of plant behavior exceed what the built-in MPC
% robustness can handle, and the controller fails to perform properly.
% A simple workaround to avoid the pendulum falling is to restrict pendulum
% displacement by adding soft output constraints to _theta_ and reducing
% the ECR weight on constraint softening.
%   mpcobj.OV(2).Min = -pi/2;
%   mpcobj.OV(2).Max = pi/2;
%   mpcobj.Weights.ECR = 100;
% However, with these new controller settings it is no longer possible to
% reach the longer distance within the required rise time. In other words,
% controller performance is sacrificed to avoid violation of soft output
% constraints.
% To move the cart to a new position between -15 and 15 while maintaining
% the same rise time, the controller needs to have more accurate models at
% different angles so that the controller can use them for better
% prediction.  Gain scheduled MPC allows you to solve a nonlinear control
% problem by designing multiple MPC controllers at different operating
% points and switching between them at run time.

%% Control Structure
% For this example, use a single MPC controller with:
% * One manipulated variable: Variable force _F_.
% * Two measured outputs: Cart position _x_ and pendulum angle _theta_.
% * One unmeasured disturbance: Impulse disturbance _dF_.
mdlMPC = 'mpc_pendcartGainSchedulingMPC';
% Although cart velocity _x_dot_ and pendulum angular velocity _theta_dot_
% are available from the plant model, to make the design case more
% realistic, they are excluded as MPC measurements.
% While the cart position setpoint varies (step input), the pendulum angle
% setpoint is constant (|0| = upright position).

%% Linear Plant Model
% Since the MPC controller requires a linear time-invariant (LTI) plant
% model for prediction, linearize the Simulink plant model at three
% different operating points.
% Specify linearization input and output points
io(1) = linio([mdlPlant '/dF'],1,'openinput');
io(2) = linio([mdlPlant '/F'],1,'openinput');
io(3) = linio([mdlPlant '/Pendulum and Cart System'],1,'openoutput');
io(4) = linio([mdlPlant '/Pendulum and Cart System'],3,'openoutput');
% Create specifications for the following three operating points where both
% cart and pendulum are stationary:
% * Pendulum is at 80 degrees, pointing right (_theta_ =  |-4*pi/9|)
% * Pendulum is upright (_theta_ =  |0|)
% * Pendulum is at 80 degrees, pointing left (_theta_ =  |4*pi/9|)
angles = [-4*pi/9 0 4*pi/9];
for ct=1:length(angles)
    % Create operating point specification.
    opspec(ct) = operspec(mdlPlant);
    % The first state is cart position _x_.
    opspec(ct).States(1).Known = true; 
    opspec(ct).States(1).x = 0;
    % The second state is cart velocity _x_dot_ (not at steady state).
    opspec(ct).States(2).SteadyState = false;
    % The third state is pendulum angle _theta_.
    opspec(ct).States(3).Known = true;
    opspec(ct).States(3).x = angles(ct);     
    % The fourth state is angular velocity _theta_dot_ (not at steady
    % state).
    opspec(ct).States(4).SteadyState = false;
% Compute operating point using these specifications.
options = findopOptions('DisplayReport',false);
[op,opresult] = findop(mdlPlant,opspec,options);
% Obtain the linear plant model at the specified operating points.
plants = linearize(mdlPlant,op,io);

%% Multiple MPC Designs
% At each operating point, design an MPC controller with the corresponding
% linear plant model.
status = mpcverbosity('off');
for ct=1:length(angles)
    % Get a single plant model.
    plant = plants(:,:,ct);
    plant.InputName = {'dF'; 'F'};
    plant.OutputName = {'x'; 'theta'};
    % The plant has two inputs, _dF_ and _F_, and two outputs, _x_ and _theta_.
    % In this example, _dF_ is specified as an unmeasured disturbance used 
    % by the MPC controller for prediction.  Set the plant
    % signal types.
    plant = setmpcsignals(plant,'ud',1,'mv',2);
    % To control an unstable plant, the controller sample time cannot be
    % too large (poor disturbance rejection) or too small (excessive
    % computation load). Similarily, the prediction horizon cannot be too
    % long (the plant unstable mode would dominate) or too short
    % (constraint violations would be unforeseen).  Use the following
    % parameters for this example:
    Ts = 0.01;
    PredictionHorizon = 50;
    ControlHorizon = 5;
    mpcobj = mpc(plant,Ts,PredictionHorizon,ControlHorizon);
    % Specify nominal input and output values based on the operating point.
    mpcobj.Model.Nominal.Y = [0;opresult(ct).States(3).x];
    mpcobj.Model.Nominal.X = [0;0;opresult(ct).States(3).x;0];
    mpcobj.Model.Nominal.DX = [0;opresult(ct).States(2).dx;0;opresult(ct).States(4).dx];
    % There is a limitation on how much force we can apply to the cart,
    % which is specified as hard constraints on manipulated variable _F_.
    mpcobj.MV.Min = -200;
    mpcobj.MV.Max = 200;
    % It is good practice to scale plant inputs and outputs before
    % designing weights.  In this case, since the range of the manipulated
    % variable is greater than the range of the plant outputs by two orders
    % of magnitude, scale the MV input by 100.
    mpcobj.MV.ScaleFactor = 100;
    % To improve controller robustness, increase the weight on the MV rate
    % of change from |0.1| to |1|.
    mpcobj.Weights.MVRate = 1; 
    % To achieve balanced performance, adjust the weights on the plant
    % outputs. The first weight is associated with cart position _x_ and
    % the second weight is associated with angle _theta_.
    mpcobj.Weights.OV = [1.2 1];
    % To achieve more aggressive disturbance rejection, increase the state
    % estimator gain by by multiplying the default disturbance model gains
    % by a factor of |10|.
    % Update the input disturbance model.
    disturbance_model = getindist(mpcobj);
    % Update the output disturbance model.
    disturbance_model = getoutdist(mpcobj);
    % Save the MPC controller to the MATLAB workspace.
    assignin('base',['mpc' num2str(ct)],mpcobj);

%% Closed-Loop Simulation 
% Validate the MPC design with a closed-loop simulation in Simulink.
open_system([mdlMPC '/Scope']);
% In the nonlinear simulation, all the control objectives are successfully
% achieved.
