www.gusucode.com > mpc_featured 案例源码 matlab代码程序 > mpc_featured/TimeVaryingMPCControlOfATimeVaryingLinearSystemExample.m

    %% Time-Varying MPC Control of a Time-Varying Plant
% This example shows how the Model Predictive Control Toolbox(TM) can use
% time-varying prediction models to achieve better performance when
% controlling a time-varying plant.
% The following MPC controllers are compared:
% # Linear MPC controller based on a time-invariant average model
% # Linear MPC controller based on a time-invariant model, which is updated
% at each time step.
% # Linear MPC controller based on a time-varying prediction model.

%% Time-Varying Linear Plant
% In this example, the plant is a single-input-single-output 3rd order
% time-varying linear system with poles, zeros and gain that vary
% periodically with time.
% $$G = \frac{{5s + 5 + 2\cos \left( {2.5t} \right)}}{{{s^3} 
%   + 3{s^2} + 2s + 6 + \sin \left( {5t} \right)}}$$
% The plant poles move between being stable and unstable at run time,
% which leads to a challenging control problem.
% Generate an array of plant models at |t| = |0|, |0.1|, |0.2|, ..., 10
% seconds.
Models = tf;
ct = 1;
for t = 0:0.1:10
    Models(:,:,ct) = tf([5 5+2*cos(2.5*t)],[1 3 2 6+sin(5*t)]);
    ct = ct + 1;
% Convert the models to state-space format and discretize them with a
% sample time of 0.1 second.
Ts = 0.1;
Models = ss(c2d(Models,Ts));

%% MPC Controller Design
% The control objective is to track a step change in the reference signal.
% First, design an MPC controller for the average plant model. The
% controller sample time is 0.1 second.
sys = ss(c2d(tf([5 5],[1 3 2 6]),Ts));  % prediction model
p = 3;                                  % prediction horizon
m = 3;                                  % control horizon
mpcobj = mpc(sys,Ts,p,m);
% Set hard constraints on the manipulated variable and specify tuning
% weights.
mpcobj.MV = struct('Min',-2,'Max',2);
mpcobj.Weights = struct('MV',0,'MVRate',0.01,'Output',1);
% Set the initial plant states to zero.
x0 = zeros(size(sys.B));

%% Closed-Loop Simulation with Implicit MPC
% Run a closed-loop simulation to examine whether the designed implicit MPC
% controller can achieve the control objective without updating the plant
% model used in prediction.
% Set the simulation duration to 5 seconds.
Tstop = 5;
% Use the |mpcmove| command in a loop to simulate the closed-loop response.
yyMPC = [];
uuMPC = [];
x = x0;
xmpc = mpcstate(mpcobj);
fprintf('Simulating MPC controller based on average LTI model.\n');
for ct = 1:(Tstop/Ts+1)
    % Get the real plant.
    real_plant = Models(:,:,ct);
    % Update and store the plant output.
    y = real_plant.C*x;
    yyMPC = [yyMPC,y];
    % Compute and store the MPC optimal move.
    u = mpcmove(mpcobj,xmpc,y,1);
    uuMPC = [uuMPC,u];
    % Update the plant state.
    x = real_plant.A*x + real_plant.B*u;

%% Closed-Loop Simulation with Adaptive MPC
% Run a second simulation to examine whether an adaptive MPC controller can
% achieve the control objective.
% Use the |mpcmoveAdaptive| command in a loop to simulate the closed-loop
% response. Update the plant model for each control interval, and use the
% updated model to compute the optimal control moves. The |mpcmoveAdaptive|
% command uses the same prediction model across the prediction horizon.
yyAMPC = [];
uuAMPC = [];
x = x0;
xmpc = mpcstate(mpcobj);
nominal = mpcobj.Model.Nominal;
fprintf('Simulating MPC controller based on LTI model, updated at each time step t.\n');
for ct = 1:(Tstop/Ts+1)
    % Get the real plant.
    real_plant = Models(:,:,ct);
    % Update and store the plant output.
    y = real_plant.C*x;
    yyAMPC = [yyAMPC, y];
    % Compute and store the MPC optimal move.
    u = mpcmoveAdaptive(mpcobj,xmpc,real_plant,nominal,y,1);
    uuAMPC = [uuAMPC,u];
    % Update the plant state.
    x = real_plant.A*x + real_plant.B*u;

%% Closed-Loop Simulation with Time-Varying MPC
% Run a third simulation to examine whether a time-varying MPC controller
% can achieve the control objective.
% The controller updates the prediction model at each control interval and
% also uses time-varying models across the prediction horizon, which gives
% MPC controller the best knowledge of plant behavior in the future.
% Use the |mpcmoveAdaptive| command in a loop to simulate the closed-loop
% response. Specify an array of plant models rather than a single model.
% The controller uses each model in the array at a different prediction
% horizon step.
yyLTVMPC = [];
uuLTVMPC = [];
x = x0;
xmpc = mpcstate(mpcobj);
Nominals = repmat(nominal,3,1); % Nominal conditions are constant over the prediction horizon.
fprintf('Simulating MPC controller based on time-varying model, updated at each time step t.\n');
for ct = 1:(Tstop/Ts+1)
    % Get the real plant.
    real_plant = Models(:,:,ct);
    % Update and store the plant output.
    y = real_plant.C*x;
    yyLTVMPC = [yyLTVMPC, y];
    % Compute and store the MPC optimal move.
    u = mpcmoveAdaptive(mpcobj,xmpc,Models(:,:,ct:ct+p),Nominals,y,1);
    uuLTVMPC = [uuLTVMPC,u];
    % Update the plant state.
    x = real_plant.A*x + real_plant.B*u;

%% Performance Comparison of MPC Controllers
% Compare the closed-loop responses.
t = 0:Ts:Tstop;
legend('Implicit MPC','Adaptive MPC','Time-Varying MPC','Location','SouthEast')
title('Plant Output');
title('Control Moves');
% Only the time-varying MPC controller is able to bring the plant output
% close enough to the desired setpoint.

%% Closed-Loop Simulation of Time-Varying MPC in Simulink
% To simulate time-varying MPC control in Simulink, pass the time-varying
% plant models to |model| inport of the Adaptive MPC Controller block.
xmpc = mpcstate(mpcobj);
mdl = 'mpc_timevarying';
% Run the simulation.
fprintf('Simulating MPC controller based on LTV model in Simulink.\n');
% Plot the MATLAB and Simulink time-varying simulation results.
title('Plant Output');
title('Control Moves');
% The closed-loop responses in MATLAB and Simulink are identical.
