www.gusucode.com > mpc_featured 案例源码 matlab代码程序 > mpc_featured/mpcswitching.m

    %% Gain Scheduled Implicit and Explicit MPC Control of Mass-Spring System
% This example shows how to use an Multiple MPC Controllers block and an
% Multiple Explicit MPC Controllers block to implement gain scheduled MPC
% control of a nonlinear plant.

% Copyright 1990-2014 The MathWorks, Inc.  

%% System Description
% The system is composed by two masses M1 and M2 connected to two springs
% k1 and k2 respectively. The collision is assumed completely inelastic.
% Mass M1 is pulled by a force F, which is the manipulated variable. The
% objective is to make mass M1's position y1 track a given reference r. 
% The dynamics are twofold: when the masses are detached, M1 moves freely.
% Otherwise, M1+M2 move together. We assume that only M1 position and a
% contact sensor are available for feedback. The latter is used to trigger
% switching the MPC controllers. Note that position and velocity of mass M2
% are not controllable.   
%                           /-----\     k1                 ||
%                    F <--- | M1  |----/\/\/\-------------[|| wall
%      ||                   | |---/                        ||
%      ||     k2            \-/      /----\                ||
%  wall||]--/\/\/\-------------------| M2 |                ||
%      ||                            \----/                ||
%      ||                                                  ||
% ----yeq2------------------ y1 ------ y2 ----------------yeq1----> y axis
% The model is a simplified version of the model proposed in the following
% reference: 
% A. Bemporad, S. Di Cairano, I. V. Kolmanovsky, and D. Hrovat, "Hybrid
% modeling and control of a multibody magnetic actuator for automotive
% applications," in Proc. 46th IEEE(R) Conf. on Decision and Control, New
% Orleans, LA, 2007. 

%% Model Parameters
M1 = 1;       % mass
M2 = 5;       % mass
k1 = 1;       % spring constant
k2 = 0.1;     % spring constant
b1 = 0.3;     % friction coefficient
b2 = 0.8;     % friction coefficient
yeq1 = 10;    % wall mount position 
yeq2 = -10;   % wall mount position 

%% State Space Models
% states: position and velocity of mass M1; 
% manipulated variable: pull force F
% measured disturbance: a constant value of 1 which provides calibrates spring force to the right value
% measured output: position of mass M1 
% State-space model of M1 when masses are not in contact.
A1 = [0 1;-k1/M1 -b1/M1];
B1 = [0 0;-1/M1 k1*yeq1/M1];
C1 = [1 0];
D1 = [0 0];
sys1 = ss(A1,B1,C1,D1);
sys1 = setmpcsignals(sys1,'MD',2);

% State-space model when the two masses are in contact.
A2 = [0 1;-(k1+k2)/(M1+M2) -(b1+b2)/(M1+M2)];
B2 = [0 0;-1/(M1+M2) (k1*yeq1+k2*yeq2)/(M1+M2)];
C2 = [1 0];
D2 = [0 0];
sys2 = ss(A2,B2,C2,D2);
sys2 = setmpcsignals(sys2,'MD',2);

%% Design MPC Controllers
% Common parameters
Ts = 0.2;     % sampling time
p = 20;       % prediction horizon
m = 1;        % control horizon 
% Design first MPC controller for the case when mass M1 detaches from M2.
MPC1 = mpc(sys1,Ts,p,m);
MPC1.Weights.OV = 1;
% Specify constraints on the manipulated variable.
MPC1.MV = struct('Min',0,'Max',30,'RateMin',-10,'RateMax',10);
% Design second MPC controller for the case when mass M1 and M2 are together.
MPC2 = mpc(sys2,Ts,p,m);
MPC2.Weights.OV = 1;
% Specify constraints on the manipulated variable.
MPC2.MV = struct('Min',0,'Max',30,'RateMin',-10,'RateMax',10);

%% Simulate Gain Scheduled MPC in Simulink(R)
% To run this example, Simulink(R) is required.
if ~mpcchecktoolboxinstalled('simulink')
    disp('Simulink(R) is required to run this example.')
% Simulate gain scheduled MPC control with Multiple MPC Controllers block.
y1initial = 0;      % Initial position of M1
y2initial = 10;     % Initial position of M2
mdl = 'mpc_switching';
if exist('animationmpc_switchoff','var') && animationmpc_switchoff
    close_system([mdl '/Animation']);
    clear animationmpc_switchoff
disp('Start simulation by switching control between MPC1 and MPC2 ...');
disp('Control performance is satisfactory.');
open_system([mdl '/signals']);
MPC1saved = MPC1;
MPC2saved = MPC2;
% Use of two controllers provides good performance under all conditions.

%% Repeat Simulation Using MPC1 Only (Assumes Masses Never in Contact)
disp('Now repeat simulation by using only MPC1 ...');
disp('When two masses stick together, control performance deteriorates.');
MPC1 = MPC1saved;
MPC2 = MPC1saved;
% In this case, performance degrades whenever the two masses join.

%% Repeat Simulation Using MPC2 Only (Assumes Masses Always in Contact)
disp('Now repeat simulation by using only MPC2 ...');
disp('When two masses are detached, control performance deteriorates.');
MPC1 = MPC2saved;
MPC2 = MPC2saved;
% In this case, performance degrades when the masses separate, causing
% the controller to apply excessive force.

%% Design Explicit MPC Controllers
% To reduce online computational effort, you can create an explicit MPC
% controller for each operating condition, and implement gain-scheduled
% explicit MPC control using the Multiple Explicit MPC Controllers block.
% To create an explicit MPC controller, first define the operating ranges
% for the controller states, input signals, and reference signals.  Create
% an explicit MPC range object using the corresponding traditional
% controller, MPC1.
range = generateExplicitRange(MPC1saved);
% Specify the ranges for the controller states. Both MPC1 and MPC2 contain
% states for: 
% * The position and velocity of mass M1
% * An integrator from the default output disturbance model
range.State.Min(:) = [-10;-8;-3];
range.State.Max(:) = [10;8;3];
% When possible, use your knowledge of the plant to define the state
% ranges.  However, it can be difficult when the state does not correspond
% to a physical parameter, such as for the output disturbance model state.
% In that case, collect range information using simulations with typical
% reference and disturbance signals. For this system, you can activate the
% optional est.state outport of the Multiple MPC Controllers block, and
% view the estimated states using a scope. When simulating the controller
% responses, use a reference signal that covers the expected operating
% range.
% Define the range for the reference signal. Select a reference range that
% is smaller than the M1 position range. 
range.Reference.Min = -8;
range.Reference.Max = 8;
% Specify the manipulated variable range using the defined MV constraints.
range.ManipulatedVariable.Min = 0;
range.ManipulatedVariable.Max = 30;
% Define the range for the measured disturbance signal. Since the measured
% disturbance is constant, specify a small range around the constant value,
% 1.  
range.MeasuredDisturbance.Min = 0.9;
range.MeasuredDisturbance.Max = 1.1;
% Create an explicit MPC controller that corresponds to MPC1 using the
% specified range object. 
expMPC1 = generateExplicitMPC(MPC1saved,range);
% Create an explicit MPC controller that corresponds to MPC2. Since MPC1
% and MPC2 operate over the same state and input ranges, and have the same
% constraints, you can use the same range object.
expMPC2 = generateExplicitMPC(MPC2saved,range);
% In general, the explicit MPC ranges of different controllers may not
% match. For example, the controllers may have different constraints or
% state ranges. In such cases, create a separate explicit MPC range object
% for each controller.   

%% Validate Explicit MPC Controllers
% It is good practice to validate the performance of each explicit MPC
% controller before implementing gain-scheduled explicit MPC. For example,
% to compare the performance of MPC1 and expMPC1, simulate the closed-loop
% response of each controller using sim.
r = [zeros(30,1); 5*ones(160,1); -5*ones(160,1)];
[Yimp,Timp,Uimp] = sim(MPC1saved,350,r,1);
[Yexp,Texp,Uexp] = sim(expMPC1,350,r,1);
% Compare the plant output and manipulated variable sequences for the two
% controllers.
grid on
xlabel('Time (s)')
title('Explicit MPC Validation')
legend('Implicit MPC','Explicit MPC')
grid on
xlabel('Time (s)')
% The closed-loop responses and manipulated variable sequences of the
% implicit and explicit controllers match. Similarly, you can validate the
% performance of expMPC2 against that of MPC2.
% If the responses of the implicit and explicit controllers do not match,
% adjust the explicit MPC ranges, and create a new explicit MPC controller.

%% Simulate Gain-Scheduled Explicit MPC
% To implement gain-scheduled explicit MPC control, replace the Multiple
% MPC Controllers block with the Multiple Explicit MPC Controllers block.
expModel = 'mpc_switching_explicit';
% Run the simulation.
% To view the simulation results, open the signals scope.
open_system([expModel '/signals']);
% The gain-scheduled explicit MPC controllers provide the same performance
% as the gain-scheduled implicit MPC controllers.
