www.gusucode.com > nnet 案例源码 matlab代码程序 > nnet/democ1.m

    %% Competitive Learning
% Neurons in a competitive layer learn to represent different regions of the
% input space where input vectors occur.
% Copyright 1992-2011 The MathWorks, Inc.

% P is a set of randomly generated but clustered test data points.  Here the
% data points are plotted.
% A competitive network will be used to classify these points into natural
% classes.

% Create inputs X.
bounds = [0 1; 0 1];   % Cluster centers to be in these bounds.
clusters = 8;          % This many clusters.
points = 10;           % Number of points in each cluster.
std_dev = 0.05;        % Standard deviation of each cluster.
x = nngenc(bounds,clusters,points,std_dev);

% Plot inputs X.
title('Input Vectors');

% Here COMPETLAYER takes two  arguments, the number of neurons and the
% learning rate.
% We can configure the network inputs (normally done automatically
% by TRAIN) and plot the initial weight vectors to see their  attempt at
% classification.
% The weight vectors (o's) will be trained so that they occur centered in
% clusters of input vectors (+'s).

net = competlayer(8,.1);
net = configure(net,x);
w = net.IW{1};
hold on;
circles = plot(w(:,1),w(:,2),'ob');

% Set the number of epochs to train before stopping and train this competitive
% layer (may take several seconds).
% Plot the updated layer weights on the same graph.

net.trainParam.epochs = 7;
net = train(net,x);
w = net.IW{1};

% Now we can use the competitive layer as a classifier, where each neuron
% corresponds to a different category.  Here we define am input vector
% X1 as [0; 0.2].
% The output Y, indicates which neuron is responding, and thereby which class
% the input belongs.

x1 = [0; 0.2];
y = net(x1)