www.gusucode.com > opc 案例源码 matlab代码程序 > opc/demoUA_data.m

    %% Visualize and Preprocess OPC UA Data
% This example shows you how to work with OPC UA Data objects. 
% You create OPC UA Data objects when you read historical data from an OPC UA server. OPC UA Data objects allow you to
% store, visualize and manipulate historical data before converting that data to builtin data types for further
% processing in MATLAB.
% For more information on generating OPC UA Data objects, see the example <docid:opc_examples.example-ex41415941>.

% Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

%% Load Sample OPC UA Data Set
% Load the sample data into the workspace.

load demoUA_SampleData

%% Display OPC UA Data objects
% Examine the workspace to see what variables have been loaded.

% Display a summary of the sample data.

% The data object contains three data sets. The first element |Double| contains 9 values, the second and third have 12 values each. 
% See whether the |Float| and |Int32| data sets have the same timestamp.

% Display the |Float| and |Int32| data sets together. Because all the elements have the same timestamp, a table of values can be displayed

%% Change the Date Display Format
% Get the current date display format using |opc.getDateDisplayFormat|.
origFormat = opc.getDateDisplayFormat;

% Change the display format to standard US date format and display the value again.
opc.setDateDisplayFormat('mm/dd/yyyy HH:MM AM');

% Reset the display format to the default.

% Reset the display format to the original value.

%% Visualize OPC UA Data
% Visualize OPC UA Data using the |plot| or |stairs| methods on the data object.
axH1 = subplot(2,1,1); 
title('Plot of sample data');
axH2 = subplot(2,1,2); 
title('Stairstep plot of sample data'); 
legend('Location', 'NorthWest')

%% Resample OPC UA Data
% The data in the |dataSample| set has different timestamps.

% Attempt to convert the data to a double array. The conversion will fail.
    vals = double(dataSample);
catch exc

% The intersection of the data timestamps results in a smaller data set containing the common timestamps from all
% elements.
dataIntersect = tsintersect(dataSample)

% Convert the data object into a double array.
vals = double(dataIntersect)

% Use |tsunion| to return the union of time series in a Data object. New values are interpolated using the method
% supplied (or linear interpolation if no method is supplied). The quality is set to "Interpolated" for those new
% values.
dataUnion = tsunion(dataSample)

% Plot the data with markers to show how the methods work.
plot(dataSample, 'Marker','.');
hold all
plot(dataIntersect, 'Marker','o', 'LineStyle','none');
title('Intersection of time series in Data object');
plot(dataSample, 'Marker','.');
hold all
plot(dataUnion, 'Marker','o', 'LineStyle','--');
title('Union of time series in Data object');

% Resample the small data set at specified time steps. 
newTS = dataSample(1).Timestamp(1):seconds(5):dataSample(1).Timestamp(end);
dataResampled = resample(dataSample,newTS)
hold all
plot(dataResampled, 'Marker','x', 'Linestyle','none');

%% Filter Data by Quality
% Find only the Good data from the second element of resampled data set
resampledGood = filterByQuality(dataResampled(2), 'good')

% Filter the second element of the resampled data to return only the Interpolated data. Visualise the filtered data with
% the original.
resampledInterpolated = filterByQuality(dataResampled(2), 'Origin','interpolated')

hold on
plot(resampledGood, 'Marker', '+', 'Linestyle','none', 'DisplayName', 'Good');
plot(resampledInterpolated, 'Marker','x', 'Linestyle','none', 'DisplayName', 'Interpolated');
legend('Location', 'NorthWest')