www.gusucode.com > opc 案例源码 matlab代码程序 > opc/demoUA_historicalData.m

    %% Read Historical OPC UA Server Data
% This example shows you how to read historical data from an OPC UA server. Specifically, this example reads data from
% the OPC Foundation Quickstart Historical Access Server.
% * <docid:opc_examples.example-ex55000998>

% Copyright 2015-2016 The MathWorks, Inc.

%% Create a Client and Connect to the Server
% You create client objects using the results of a query to the Local Discovery Service using |opcuaserverinfo|, or
% directly using the host name and port number of the server you are connecting to. In this case, find the server with a
% name containing 'Quickstart Historical'.
serverList = opcuaserverinfo('localhost');
historicalServer = findDescription(serverList,'Quickstart Historical');
uaClient = opcua(historicalServer);

%% Define Nodes to Read Historical Data
% The Quickstart Historical Access Server simulates some historical data for nodes in the namespace. Two sets of data
% are provided: Sample data, which is a small data set, and Dynamic data, which varies in size depending on when the
% server was started. Define these nodes using the |opcuanode| function.
sampleNodeIds = {'1:Quickstarts.HistoricalAccessServer.Data.Sample.Double.txt';
sampleNodes = opcuanode(2,sampleNodeIds,uaClient)

dynamicNodeIds = strrep(sampleNodeIds,'Sample','Dynamic');
dynamicNodes = opcuanode(2,dynamicNodeIds,uaClient)

%% (Server-Specific) Discover When the Server Was Launched
% The Quickstart Historical Access server creates a simulated archive of data from the beginning of the hour that the
% server was started to the start time of the server (for the Dynamic nodes). To provide reasonable time ranges over
% which to retrieve data, query the server for the start time.
% All servers must publish a ServerStatus node which includes information on the start time of the server. You can read
% this value directly from the OPC server, using the |getServerStatus| function. Calculate the start and end times of the
% history stored by the server.
serverStatus = getServerStatus(uaClient)
serverStartTime = serverStatus.StartTime;
startHistory = dateshift(serverStartTime,'start','hour')
endHistory = serverStartTime

%% Read Historical Data from Nodes
% Use the |readHistorical| function to read the history of a node. You must pass a time range in which to read
% historical data. For the Quickstart server sample data, read the first 2 minutes of data.
dataSample = readHistory(uaClient,sampleNodes,startHistory,startHistory+minutes(2))

%% Read Historical Data at Specific Times
% You can ask the servfer to retrieve data at specific times. If the server does not have an archived value for that
% specific time, an interpolated (or extrapolated) value is returned. Use the |readAtTime| function to retrieve data
% each 5 minutes for two hours.
timesToReturn = startHistory:minutes(5):endHistory;
dataRegular = readAtTime(uaClient,dynamicNodes,timesToReturn)

%% Read Processed Data from the Server
% OPC UA Servers provide aggregate functions for returning preprocessed data to clients. This is most useful when you
% need to query data over a large period of time.
% Query the |AggregateFunctions| property of a connected client to find out what aggregate functions the server supports.
% Read the Average value for each 10 second period over 2 minutes. Note how the quality of the data includes Good quality,
% Bad quality (where there is no data available to perform the calculation), and Uncertain quality (where insufficient
% data is available to classify it as Good).
dataAverage = readProcessed(uaClient,dynamicNodes,'Average',seconds(10),startHistory,startHistory+minutes(2))

% Filter the quality of the data to return only the Good data. 
dataGood = filterByQuality(dataAverage,'good')

%% Disconnect from Server
% When you have finished communicating with the server, disconnect the client from the server. This is also
% automatically performed when the client variable goes out of scope in MATLAB(R).