www.gusucode.com > opc 案例源码 matlab代码程序 > opc/display_opcdata.m

    function display_opcdata(obj,event)
%DISPLAY_OPCDATA Displays recently logged data in a figure window.
%   DISPLAY_OPCDATA is used by some of the OPC Toolbox examples. Every time
%   this function is called (usually from a DataChange callback) 100 records
%   are retrieved from memory using PEEKDATA and those records are plotted
%   in a figure window. Any Repeat quality data points are marked with a yellow
%   asterisk, and any Bad quality data points are marked with a red filled
%   circle.

% Copyright 2004-2014 The MathWorks, Inc. 
% coded by OPTI-NUM solutions

numRecords = min(obj.RecordsAvailable, 100);
lastRecords = peekdata(obj,numRecords);
[i, v, q, t] = opcstruct2array(lastRecords);
plot(t, v);
isBad = strncmp('Bad', q, 3);
isRep = strncmp('Repeat', q, 6);
hold on
for k=1:length(i)
  h = plot(t(isBad(:,k),k), v(isBad(:,k),k), 'o');
  set(h,'MarkerEdgeColor','k', 'MarkerFaceColor','r')
  h = plot(t(isRep(:,k),k), v(isRep(:,k),k), '*');
  set(h,'MarkerEdgeColor',[0.75, 0.75, 0]);
axis tight;
ylim([0, 200]);
eventTime = event.Data.LocalEventTime;
title(sprintf('Event occurred at %s', ...
  datestr(eventTime, 13)));
drawnow; % force an update of the figure window
hold off;